The Video I DID NOT WANT to MAKE - Is Kerbal Space Program 2 in TROUBLE?

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Intercept Games have said they are going to slow down the release cadence of patches for Kerbal Space Program 2. This comes as disappointing news on the back of a game that still has a lot of bugs and performance issues. Meanwhile the team are continuing to focus on the upcoming science update.

Any support is massively appreciated!

#kerbalspaceprogram2 #ksp2
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A bit of clarification on this topic. Maybe I should have been clearer in the video :D but my main point is at 5:29. I *don't* have issue with the slow down on release patches. The devs should take as long as they think they need to. My issue is with the lack of acknowledgement on the major bugs, game breaking (and save destroying) bugs and performance issues.

It's completely fine that the devs are slowing down the releases, so they can focus on quality updates. But to do this without acknowledging the major problems the game as, is definitely a problem.

What are your thoughts?


The way I read the Dev Update was "These bug fix patches aren't driving any new sales. We'll need to actually work and add the features that fans thought we'd already have in the alpha version in order to try to sell more copies."


As a long time KSP fan I have to say, my biggest reason for not playing ksp2 at the moment is the lack of science mode. Sandbox mode takes away some of the engineering challenges that come with part progression


I paid $7.00 for the first KSP way back in 2011 when there was almost nothing in it. It was still more fun and playable than KSP 2 at $70 CDN.


Speaking as dev, work on features usually stops when we're fixing bugs. Usually we find reasonably balanced cycle of adding features, fixing bugs, release, repeat. So this doesn't seem that strange to me. If all the content isn't there, then it doesn't really make sense to fix every bug, since that code will probably have to be broken again later anyway.


And so it begins... the slowdown of development and more time for take2 to pull the plug. Rip the game we all wanted


I’m one that’s backed away and will come back to it at some point down the line. I think it’ll be a blast when it’s done, but with KSP1 being finished and having a ton of mod support, I’m going to be sticking with the original for probably a good long while.


Was so excited to start a new era of KSP with my son but decided to hold off due to price of a early beta with minimal features for a full price game. Man i feel so justified now. They could of done so much better now they financially crippled themselves for the long haul.


Damn, Ive had my eye on the game, but decided to hold off for further updates and fixes. Guess I'll wait for 1.0


I don't think they are up to the task. They have been working on this game for 5 years, and at current rate of progress it is at least 2 more years before it is basically functional at the level of KSP 1. All of that and the original gamification of the base game was terrible, and they plan to re-implement it and do nothing new. For younger software developers out there, this is example A of why you don't need a "rewrite"


I was super interested in this game and then I waited to see it’s release and what a sad sad story


I told you so. Publisher is going to drop this hot mess very quickly. They don't have the patience for garbage and will cut their losses quickly. Kerbal team F'd up with this release and only a miracle will save this game


It'll get there.. IF they put enough love and dedication into it that the original KSP devs did... It really comes down to that.


I am totally on board with them taking more time between patches, I think the tell so to speak will be the quality of future patches. I would be okay getting a patch quarterly if in that patch we see quality work. I think that is obtainable. This is going to be a several year process as we help them develop and polish this game. I think it is really cool that they are involving the community to help push items and features we want to see brought to life.


Fully agree with you, I'm also a bit annoyed by this and want Private Division to be way more transparent about the state of development. I'm currently following and playing the early access version of a game called 'Satisfactory' since their 3rd update and I must say, their transparency is way better and they give us way more info about the state of their game although it is sometimes a bit rocky. But on the other hand, I think Private Division is facing a way bigger challange than we realize, these performance issues don't seem to be fixed just by minor updates in my eyes, I think they are really in trouble, they probably think that by not saying how bad things really are most of the community will stay motivated in the future of the game and ultimately the game will be in a more stable state which is in my opinion something to be OK with although it is sometimes really annoying...
But I've played this game for more than 300 hours now and I think it won't be fair to them to just leave the game and community because that can be a fatal blow and KSP is after all one of the best games I've ever played.


As so often, this is a communications issue. If an issue takes longer to resolve, it would be very comforting to know why. If there is knowledge about design weaknesses of the engine, we can handle a bit more info on that too. There is no shame in admitting that complex issues take time to fix.


With how far you can mod KSP1 and whatever dumb reason they've kept out one of the greatest mod communities ever, I see no reason to ever buy or support KSP2


The fact the game has so many glaring issues and does nothing new when KSP 1 has been feature complete for years tells me they screwed up at a fundamental level. What's the point of rewriting the game from scratch if you aren't going to put effort into performance optimization from the beginning?


Encountered like 3 different bugs that have broken my saves in the past 2 days and they are slowing down patches :(


Fundamentally this just proves the point that this was released way too early even for an 'early access title''. they have lost momentum, left a sour taste in mouths of those who bought it so everything here on in is damage control. Compare that to other early access releases such as Shadows of Doubt most recently, and you see how it should be done.
