Gratitude and the Law of Attraction in Islam

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Although the idea of practicing gratitude in order to attract greater goodness into our lives has gained popularity with the promulgation of the Law of Attraction recently, Allah Almighty states in the Holy Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ over 1400 years ago, "And remember when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more,'" [14:7].

The goal of Islam is to help us better understand ourselves and our choices by better understanding the law of the Universe so that we can improve and choose better while still alive and able to do so. Towards this end, I have created a unique 12-week course entitled Mastering the Law of Attraction, which is designed to help you come increasingly into alignment with positivity and the will of the Divine so as to improve your quality of life.

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To your divine and eternal success.
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Its true. Attitude of gratitude makes u feel good. Not only because you will get what you desire, but it makes your current life feels good too


Always great to hear from you! Yes I needed to hear that! I got into a really bad car accident but I know that is from Allah! I have to be grateful I'm alive!


Mashallah, I have entered the course and just based on the first video it has been extremely beneficial. It has helped me solve a personal problem alhamduillah, now I just need to put in the work. I ask that you all pray for me so that I am able to implement this in my daily life, and so Allah grants me his merciful assistance, amen.


Wonderful talk .. being grateful is the best state I’ve been in I love it so much I wish I could be grateful all the time


You helped me a lot with this one, thanks for your work. It's good because a lot of people nowadays doesn't understand, that if you're more spiritual, you automatically will be closer to god.


I read the book from Dr. Joe Dispenza where he tell If you feel like your goal is happen befor it happend you will attract it. But I was asking me how to thanks for something if it doesnt happend in islamic way? can you tell us about this?


Masha Allah.. Precious gems..💖
Eagerly waiting for brother Ihsan videos, it gives an different dimension and perspective about quran, god Allah Almighty and his religion Islam.. Love these contents which is in depth about the subject.. May Allah bless you and give you baraka and Afiya in this life and hereafter..


و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله وبركاته. جزاك الله خيرا


Gratitude brings us into the here and now. Gratitude brings us into the state of ihsaan. Gratitude attracts positive things and attributes. God says when you are grateful, God will increase you and give you more.


Asalamualaikum brother ihsan. i would love to hear your thoughts on eckhart tolle’s the power of now


Is it shirk? if i say that " Thank you universe for giving me.... " 😢


I don’t think in islam there is any such thing as law of attraction.. And also I don’t think it’s true if you always think positive you’ll attract only good..

Prophet ayub pbuh was a prophet of Allah and a role model .. he was a grateful servant .. but he was afflicted by the disease and lost his wives and family.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh the greatest role model who was sent as a mercy .. who was love and positivity himself, he pbuh faced the most difficult situation in his life..

Do people think once they say, “We believe, ” that they will be left without being put to the test? Quran : 29-2

In islam there is no such thing as law of attract there is test there is tribulations there is patience and there is obedience to the decree of Allah. It is in fact a lack of Adab with Allah to obsessively seeking worldly comfort. Be grateful to Allah with no motive to be rewarded because Allah deserves our gratitude all of it. And he did not created mankind except to worship him. So there cannot be any other association when it comes to be grateful to Allah as a worship (no law or attraction)

Let our focal point only be our Lord alone..

“The sight [of the Prophet] did not swerve, nor did it transgress [its limit].”

“And do not mix up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know (it).”

Having said all of that brother was only my perspective..
i have all through my life been greatly benefited by your videos. May Allah continue to increase you in knowledge 🤲


What comes to you of good is from God, yet what comes to you of evil is from yourselves.

Holy Qur’an (Surah an-Nisa, 4:79)😍🥰


Subhano, notice how Allah SWT refers to being grateful in general and to others as well, not just grateful towards Allah. We must show gratitude in general and towards everything and everyone positive. Alhamdulillah for our beautiful deen, May Allah strengthen our faith, ameen.


As a muslim I have also read and practiced l.o.a but with always remembering that everything comes from Allah of course. And lately I wanted to know more about how in islam the subconscious mind was viewed and I wanted to know more about what the thoughts was. But then I saw a lot of people and imams, who obviously did not know a lot about it saying that it was something close to shirk. And that it was haram. And It really confused me. Because I know that Allah created a subconscious mind for everyone and that we use it daily so I did not really like the different negative opinions I heard about it. I am happy that I came across this video and this explanation. I hope that more muslims will understand this


In Sufism, there is a secret name of God known as the Greatest Name (الاسم الأعظم); it is believed that when you ask God with this name, He will grant your request. I believe it's not merely a literal name but a state, a character, a quality (صفة). When a worshipper attains complete surrender beyond the ego, they connect with existence as a manifestation of God. In this state, they can have anything they desire, but those who reach this level often refrain from asking God for personal favors because they feel God has already given them everything. Instead, they spend their time in continuous euphoric gratitude and may only seek favors for others.


I am so so grateful for this video. Thank you so much. May Allah swt bless you and brings light and peace in your hearts. Ameen


Alhamdulillah, Allah bless & frgive me & answer my Dua, He is one of the most merciful & judgement


Gratitude is beautiful. Brings instant peace to my heart


As ex-liberal educated Muslim, I used to do it for non halal things, they became real but then peace became haram to me (: Elhamdülillah. Things I affirmed was basically not halal, so I suffered.
Now back to Islam (praying 5 times a day) doing it the halal way for halal things. But still, don't affirm non-halal, it might work with God's permit but it will quit with pain. And don't affirm anything that you want suddenly to happen. Because you try God. Astagfurullah. Just relief, deepbreathe, close your eyes, smile, say Elhamdulillah you are Muslim, thank for anything you have, just thank. We are already in wealth with anything so it's easier for Muslims.
