Jane Fonda and Greenpeace: The Environment Needs You

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The clock is ticking, and the Earth doesn’t need excuses. It needs you. Join Greenpeace supporter Jane Fonda and become part of our fight to protect the environment and change the world.

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May every part of our world be green and peaceful and beautiful!


I like the message and people who actually care and try and do something about it...Definitely worth investing in the cause....


you all rock -- thanks for your amazing work!!


Greenpeace, you do great work! Thank you for all you do in so many ways, Greenpeace, Jane, & all in this together! We do what we can. We have bought 10 acres of degraded ex farmland, & are testoring that stretch of the creek & watershed, & regenerating the land for both habitat & safe food production... the changes even in 6 years are so rewarding. ✊🌏🌳


Jane Fonda, you rock!! I have always admired you.


Dear Greenpeace dont do this
Dont make ads with famous people its giving the vibe of rules for thee but not for me


Teach people how to shop for food and not bring plastic home.


I would not give a penny to anything she has her name associated with.


Changing the world to a peaceful place for the well-being of mankind and all about the fact and truth about the world we live and work together


Greenpeace, the best and most important organisation in the world, needs your help and support, right now.


Awesome message! For the environment, for social issues, for most of our big issues.

We may not know what to do about a problem but we have some skills and talents that we can apply to a solution, if not towards the environment or crime or inflation or trafficking, something. We all can contribute in some way. If only our support and love ❤


Thanks Jane & Greenpeace.
Reduced & Recycle.
Save our Sea's / Saves our Selves. Soon please !!


فى عام1999م قامت اسرائيل بالتعاون مع حسن الترابى فى السودان بالقاء 3 اطنان من اليورانيوم المشع فى قاع نهر النيل فى منطقة وادى حلفا فى السودان القريبة من الحدود المصريةوتسبب ذلك فى تلوث ماء النيل بالاشعاع وقامت جهات مسؤلة من الدولة بصنع درع كهرومغناطيسى لحجز المياة المشعة فى منطقة قريبة من السد العالى وبعد مرور وقت اساء مبارك ورجالة من المخابرات وكبار العسكر استخدام هذا الدرع حيث انه يعمل بطاقة كهربية منخفضة ليمنع الاشعاع وامر مبارك بدفع قوة كهربائية عاليه فى هذا الدرع وتحول من مانع للاشعاع الى مصدر اشعة جاما عالية التردد بسبب سوء استخدامة وبذلك استنفد هذا الدرع طاقة السد العالى الكهربائية وادى ذلك الى اتساع محيط المجال المغناطيسى الذى ينتج اشعة جاما الخطيرة عالية التردد ليشمل مساحة واسعة من الكرة الارضية لان انبعاث قوة الاشعاع من الدرع التى هى اسرع من سرعة الضوء ولذلك اصبحنا امام خطرين اشعاعات اليورانيوم واشعة جاما المنبعثة من الدرع التى ادت الى زيادة درجة حرارة الارض والاحتباس الحرارى وامراض السرطان وهذا لسوء استخدام الدرع الكهرومغناطيسى وتعمد مبارك اسائت استخدامة بتعطيل عملة تارة وتشغيلة بقوة كبيرة من الطاقة الكهربائية التى تجعلة يعمل بشكل خطير على صحة الانسان وبذلك اصبح مبارك ورجاله شريك لاسرائيل فى قتل البشرية عموما وقتل المصريين خصوصاولازال مبارك ورجاله من المخابرات وكبار العسكر حتى الان يشرفون على هذا الدرع ويحكم مبارك مصر من خلف الستار اى ما يسمونه الدولة العميقة ويقتلون الشعب باسلحة غير مرئية ولا يعلم بها الشعب لذلك اكتب اليكم والى من يهمه الامر لكشف الغموض واظهار الحقائق المخفية وياللعجب من مبارك ورجالة انهم شركاء اليهود 3 بواسطة : مواطن الجمعة 25-04-2014 20:06 نداء الى المنظمات الدولية بضرورة التفتيش والضغط على الحكومة المصرية بسبب تلوث نهر النيل باليورانيوم المشع موقع التلوث النووى وادى حلفا بالسودان وكمية اليورانيوم المشع فى قاع نهر النيل 3 اطنان ادت الى تلوث مجرى نهر النيل فى مصر والبحر الابيض المتوسط وتم تلوث الهواء ايضا باليورانيوم المشع بسبب مرور اليورانيوم المشع على درع كهرومغناطيسى فى مياه نهر النيل وهذا الدرع الكهرومغناطيسى يمنع مرور اليورانيوم المشع فى المياه ويرفع اليورانيوم المشع فى طبقات الهواء العليا بسبب المجال المغناطيسى الموجود فى الدرع الكهرومغناطيسى وبذلك تلوث الهواء فى منطقة الشرق الاوسط والعالم وتسبب ذلك فى زيادة نسب الامراض فى مصر والعالم وازدادت درجة حرارة الارض لزيادة نسبة اليورانيوم فى الهواء وتغير المناخ وظهر الاحتباس الحرارى بسبب زيادة نسبة اليورانيوم المشع فى طبقات الهواءوهذا التلوث يهدد العالم كله تلوث اشعاعى مائى هوائى لذلك اناشد الدول الكبرى والمنظمات الدولية بارسال فرق تفتيش من الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية الى دولة مصر للتحقيق فى الحادث النووى والضغط على الحكومة المصرية بالتعاون مع المجتمع الدولى لتنقية مياه نهر النيل من اليورانيوم المشع علما بان المسئول عن هذا التلوث مبارك ومن بعده المجلس

3 pollutionابلاغمنذ أكثر من سنتينبواسطة: mohameedletter 1 to the major countries and the international press and international organizations (Save the planet from global warming and climate change because the problem starts from Egypt), an appeal that the inspection of the pressure on the Egyptian government and the Egyptian President, to work on stopping the destruction of the planet earth because of contamination of the River Nile irradiated uranium site of nuclear pollution Wadi Halfa in Sudan and the quantity of radioactive uranium at the bottom of the River Nile 3 tons led to the pollution of the course of the River Nile in Egypt and the Mediterranean sea and air pollution also irradiated uranium because of the passage of radioactive uranium on electromagnetic shield in the waters of the Nile River this electromagnetic shield prevents the passage of radioactive uranium in water and raises the irradiated uranium in air layers Supreme Court due to the magnetic field in the EMI shield thus air pollution in the region of the Middle East The world and caused the increase of diseases in Egypt and the world and earth temperature to increase the proportion of uranium enrichment in the air and climate change and global warming due to an increase in the proportion of radioactive uranium in layers of air pollution threatens the whole world radioactive contamination of water, the antenna therefore appeal to the major states and international organizations to send inspection teams from the International Atomic Energy Agency to the state of Egypt to investigate the nuclear accident the pressure on the Egyptian government in cooperation with the international community to purify river Nile water, from radioactive uranium note that in charge of this pollution Mubarak and beyond the military council until now using electromagnetic shield incorrect use to kill the Egyptian people in the most dangerous nuclear weapons deadly human beings A communication to interested in the world Against the former president of Egypt - President Hosni Mubarak and the current Al-sisi and prime minister in his capacity as the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in his capacity as the minister of housing and utilities. In his capacity as Minister of State for Environmental Affairs in his capacity as the President of the Department of Environmental Affairs in his capacity as and the Executive Chairman to the environment affairs in his capacity as the Minister of Health and Population, .in his capacity as the Minister of Interior in his capacity as the object The Nile river since the dawn of history staple source of life of Egyptians and cannot remain silent about the sources of pollution that threaten life in the artery of the nile river since 1999 and in the era of the former regime in an incident of pollution of the nile river in the site of the Wadi Halfa in Sudan was a measure of the Israeli Mossad where the Mossad transfer of 3 tons of radioactive materials (radioactive uranium) to the State of the Sudan in the Wadi Halfa near the Egyptian border where 3 tons of radioactive centrifuges at the bottom of the River Nile, the objective of the genocide of the Egyptian people and the former regime that the State authorities work of electromagnetic shield on pollution control, which in turn has extended to the lifeline of the River Nile in Egypt without declaration of that incident and remained of the secrets of the former regime After 3 Years After the success of the pollution control in 2003 appeared corruption on the former regime neglected the former regime this grave incident and is no longer able to control the source of radioactive pollution and spread radioactive uranium throughout the valley in water and food, and increased cancer rates and incurable disease rates increased the death of fisheries in several provinces and increased the earth temperature and global climate change and the impact of pollution on the environment markedly by gamma rays emanating from the interaction of the radioactive materials with electromagnetic shield the poor handling of the problem of pollution in the era of the former regime that after these years of the nuclear accident after the departure of the former regime and corrupt demand based on the country's administration to put an end to this radioactive pollution


Always love Greenpeace. It’s not about politics it’s about US. Our beautiful planet and our beautiful creatures. Donated! Will do more for an organization who has done so much for all of us!


Oh yes you know it “Jane Fonda ALWAYS gets it right. I’d follow


If you found this clip inspiring, I'd like to remind you that, in addition to being a fundraiser for Greenpeace, it is also an invitation to environmental activism. If not now, when?


Debéis hacer campañas que se aprueben y una recogida de firmas para crear una ley que mejore, a la larga, el medioambiente y que lo cuide. Aunque seáis una organización independiente y con bastante peso, necesitáis el apoyo del Gobierno de varios países para llegar a un acuerdo común. La publicidad está bien porque hay que llegar al mayor público posible ( y ojo, que no estoy quitando mérito a lo que hacéis, ya me gustaría a mí, yo pongo mi granito de arena cumpliendo a raja tabla las 3Rs, pero no sirve de nada si en el punto limpio no reciclan cierto tipo de residuos porque eso en los vertederos no se recoge). A lo que voy es que ahora necesitamos actuar y necesitamos leyes que sancionen a quien no las cumpla. Así que yo, desde España apoyo a Greenpeace a que colabore con el Gobierno aunque no le guste. Seguiré insistiendo ya que creo que es la mejor opción, mucha gente os apoya, pero otros muchos no os toman en serio por no tener ese poder legislativo. Bueno, esa es mi opinión, siento que sea tan larga y en español jajajaja.


We’re on a mission to save the world
We’re here to back up one young girl
Fire drill Fridays are helping send the message
As Jane Fonda each week gets arrested

More people need to join on in
Like everyone if this change is to begin
We need to build a massive force
To change the path of this destructive course

This is going to be a lot of fun
Everyone onboard thinking as one
Like a big strong huge mountain
Standing at the highest peak we’re shouting


Jane Fonda *
You look marvelous *
Actress* producer *activist *
Jane Fonda is a BRAVE WOMAN * for earth & the people :
I look for a day when strong women are taken to one side talked to explained to then set free* yet when women have points to be made what must be done must be done * The fitness videos are so great and really help women keep toned and in shape * A woman devoted to the world * Women's Rights* Still manages to remain flawless * Jane Fonda is truly a beautiful woman *
Green Peace is Green for the world peace for the people * Thank you Jane Fonda for your support for the world *
I am trying yo open a chain of homeless shelters :
I'm on wire club . com
My chat name is
s e a r c h o n g l o s t f r n d a s k


Jane. With all due respect, your humanistic teachings are faulty and without hope. Find Jesus the Christ. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. The Lover of our souls.May you find Him now, while you still can! Shalom
