Putin's Regime: The Rise and Fall of Russian Oligarchs.

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The rise and fall of Russian oligarchs are closely tied to the political regime of Vladimir Putin. Putin came to power in 1999 and quickly consolidated power, seeking to reassert Russia's influence on the world stage. In doing so, he targeted the oligarchs who had accumulated enormous wealth and power during the chaotic period following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Putin's approach to the oligarchs was twofold. First, he sought to bring them under state control by pushing for greater state ownership in key industries such as energy and telecommunications. Second, he used legal and extralegal means to pressure and even imprison some oligarchs who refused to cooperate with the state or posed a political threat.

The most notable example of this was the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the head of the oil company Yukos. Khodorkovsky had become politically active and began funding opposition parties to Putin's United Russia party. In 2003, he was arrested and charged with fraud and tax evasion. He was ultimately convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Other oligarchs faced similar pressures, leading many to flee the country or acquiesce to state control. Some oligarchs, however, managed to maintain their wealth and power by playing by Putin's rules and avoiding political opposition.

Overall, Putin's crackdown on the oligarchs helped to consolidate his own power and reduce the influence of Russia's wealthy elite. However, it also contributed to a climate of fear and uncertainty in the business community, which has hindered economic growth and foreign investment in the country.

The Rise and Fall of Russian Oligarchs"
"From Yeltsin to Putin: The Oligarchs' Struggle for Power"
"The Oligarchs: Russia's Rich and Powerful Elite"
"Putin's Russia: The Oligarchs' Last Stand"
"The Rise of Russian Oligarchs and Their Influence on Russian Politics"
"The Oligarch Wars: Putin's Battle for Control"
"From Soviet State to Oligarchic Regime: The Evolution of Russian Politics"
"The Oligarchs' Fall: Russia's Struggle for Economic Reform"
"Putin and the Oligarchs: A Story of Power and Corruption"
"Russia's Oligarchs: The Men Who Ruled the Country".
Russian oligarchs
Soviet Union
Putin's regime
Yeltsin era
State control
Key industries
Business elites
Commodity prices
Western sanctions
Russian politics
Russian society
Russian economy
Power struggle
Economic reform.

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