Funko Fusion How To Unlock Michael Knight from Knight Rider

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Funko Fusion How To Unlock Michael Knight from Knight Rider

You will first encounter Michael Knight and KITT in The Umbrella Academy Level 2 “Beats on the Streets” and you can actually get things started in your first playthrough of the level if you use a speed soda. After that, you will need to complete six more races in the levels listed in the time stamps.

00:00 Intro
01:01 The Umbrella Academy Level 2
04:16 Hot Fuzz Level 3
06:26 The Thing Level 3
08:29 Masters Of The Universe Level 1
10:14 Battlestar Galactica Level 2
11:56 Scott Pilgrim vs The World Level 3
14:57 Jurassic World Level 1
17:06 Ending

Thank you 10:10 Games for the review copy of Funko Fusion #FunkoFusion #Funko

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Tip for this one:
Either be the Dinosaur
Or if you shoot Michael knight enough
He actually spins out in his car, giving you time to catch up


Loving the gameplay man! I’m playing it right now and hope they add more to the worlds


You wouldn't know if you can repeat the time trials? me n my niece love this! It should be a permanent unlock, and that Knight rider theme, gosh my retro nostolgic heart radiates hearing this 😊 here's to a promising Funko themed future of other great movies like honey I shrunk the kids, Batteries not included, A-Team, Get Smart oh the absolute golden age of TV greatness, I want it all Funko-ised! Predator! Predator would be awesome! I do understand why you couldn't play the movie themes while streaming being a copyright issue an all that jazz


I hope they add kung fury to the game. Would have some fun bosses from the movie.


the lack of music is so weird, they should've added knight rider theme during the races


Best guide to doing the races is to buy both the Speed and Stamina Sodas so you will have faster speed and unlimited stamina


The thing level 3 race i am really struggling to beat him


Would have been cool if there was a Garthe variant he basically an evil version of Micheal knight but with a beard and a tan, but it a long story just watch the TV show they explain it also the weapon karr carbine is a reference to K.A.R.R and is an evil version of K.I.T.T


I’m gonna be honest when I read the title I thought it said moon knight


i dont check how to start back to the future, , , first with allison and then with the other guy like you showed it but i didinot come in the record store...strange game...
