Goku: hey I heard you were strong gimball EmbraceStorm
Goku: hey I heard you were strong gimball
the way gumball was about to kick that kid was crazy KKTGAKAKJ
the way gumball was about to kick that kid was crazy
What you know.. Gumball always Make surprises😎😎 RosaliaUbalde
What you know.. Gumball always Make surprises😎😎
Bro the goat of Cartoon Network☠️☠️☠️🗿🗿🗿🗿 TaZ-GamingOfficial
Bro the goat of Cartoon Network☠️☠️☠️🗿🗿🗿🗿
Why I love gumball even tho it’s for 12 years olds I watched when I was 5💀💀 Aria-ss
Why I love gumball even tho it’s for 12 years olds I watched when I was 5💀💀
0:09 This shocked me more than anything.☠💀☢☢☢☢🚀🚀🚀🚀 RedFayz-yq
0:09 This shocked me more than anything.☠💀☢☢☢☢🚀🚀🚀🚀
Gumball is the main reason I like this cartoon yourdailyVR-ujly
Gumball is the main reason I like this cartoon
We're all toast if Gumball became Zac BLX-BFAP
We're all toast if Gumball became Zac
1 Gumball Teleports 2 Comes Out Of No Where To Save His Sister 3 Use a Nuke 4 Become Goku 5 ??? NahyanF
1 Gumball Teleports 2 Comes Out Of No Where To Save His Sister 3 Use a Nuke 4 Become Goku 5 ???
Bro just turned into ssj 2 Kakarot 💀 Edit: I liked my own Comment cause I dont get a single Like… hazarakidsgeneration
Bro just turned into ssj 2 Kakarot 💀 Edit: I liked my own Comment cause I dont get a single Like…
Never thought a cartoon character would be so powerful silkymoony
Never thought a cartoon character would be so powerful
He pops off with the nuclear bomb. He’s evil he needs to get a break from all that shit Enriquecruz-mxyf
He pops off with the nuclear bomb. He’s evil he needs to get a break from all that shit
Bro, turn into Goku Goku will be like so you’re strong JustinMcarthur-kc
Bro, turn into Goku Goku will be like so you’re strong
Are the last 2 clips in the same place? Wow. DonVideo-MadeInHome
Are the last 2 clips in the same place? Wow.
Bro, just set off a nuke because he was bored. Therandomiser
Bro, just set off a nuke because he was bored.
Idk why but I watched this short 79 times idk why Angel-szu
Idk why but I watched this short 79 times idk why
Patrick: “wh- how?!” Gumball: you lock the car from people getting in, not out.” WDster
Patrick: “wh- how?!” Gumball: you lock the car from people getting in, not out.”
Bro just made an edit of my childhood 💀 andrew_fgfgj
Bro just made an edit of my childhood 💀
Me when i go to work and then you somehow outside the car ☠️☠️☠️ JVCK_walk_to_Minecraft
Me when i go to work and then you somehow outside the car ☠️☠️☠️
Bro went from Gumball to Zack real quick rbxg
Bro went from Gumball to Zack real quick