All You Need to Know: Rabbit Enrichment

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Enrichment is vital to a rabbit’s mental health and physical well-being. Without it, rabbits become aggressive, anti-social, skittish or destructive. Positive interactions and opportunities to exercise natural behaviours are vital to their happiness. In this video, we explain the importance of various kinds of enrichment and the best enrichment ideas and toys you can explore with your rabbit.
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I am from Bangladesh.... I have two rabbits. Thanks


I love the idea of the veg on string that's very clever. Il use these tips. Yoir a very knowledgeable young lady I'd be very proud of you being so young yet so wonderful with your bunnies and helping others. Your little black lionhead looks so much like my bunny called Binky. He is a special needs bunny. I really love this channel. Ooooh the boxes every bunny loves a box 😃 I agree with our friend Danielle that you are very knowledgeable for one so young, how old are the bunnies they look very young . ( I love the play mat!)


I just got a bunny for my kids! These videos are super helpful and informative! Thank you so much ❤


I'm so impressed that someone so young knows so much about keeping bunnies happy and healthy! It shows how much you love them. Your parents must be very proud to have raised such an awesome person! Thank you for this wonderful video, I hope lots of people watch it and learn from it. 🐇☺️👍 So many great tips for bun-parents to try.


These are really great ideas! I only have one bun for now and it’s hard to keep him entertained.


Thanks dear 😘. Lovely video with lots of different aspect of bunny mom. Your rabbits are really happy creatures. I was thinking that I am looking after my bunnies very well but this aspect i missed to trigger their playfulness


Your parents must be so proud of you. Thank you for all the wonderful creative ideas.


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