Malazan, Dandelion Dynasty, and Sun Eater TBB Edition! LotR Movies Are Back! (SFF Spotlight 58)

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Hi everyone! Today's video is the SFF Spotlight Episode 58! This series of videos is to spotlight three main things (Special Editions, Cover Reveals, and Book/Series Announcement) in the science fiction and fantasy genre within a certain set of time. And yes, the videos will cover both traditionally published and self-published SFF books.

For this specific video, the news is compiled from the 12th of April 2024 until the 27th of April 2024!

Let me know what you think about the spotlights! SFF Spotlight Episode 59 will be posted on the first week of May 2024! Thank you so much!

0:00 Intro
19:52 CLosing

Artists mentioned:
-John Devlin
-Rachel St Clair
-Lena Richards
-Ambi Sun
-Flag Art Studios
-Peng Lu
-John Barry Ballaran
-Rene Aigner
-Ray Mulligan
-JungShan Ink
-Charles Vess

Spenta Mainyu - Jesse Gallagher
Maryandra's Waltz - Jesse Gallagher
Stinson - Reed Mathis

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Wow Petrik, I’m so honored to be on your channel. Thank you so much for the spotlight, dreams are coming true!


Great update! Also thanks for always being the voice of reason when it comes to spending money on special editions. I think it's super cool that you remind people to be wise with the purchases they make! Especially when we all can get carried away with fomo 😂


Every SFF spotlight, I'm in awe of how much work you put into them! Thanks so much Petrik!

The Suneater & Malazan art is amazing!! And Calum Lott's novel looks like a must-buy based on the cover alone 😮

I watched LOTR extended editions in the theater last year and I can confirm it was incredible 🥲


Battlemage is an awesome book, one of my favourite standalone novels of all time, it's so underrated.


Just ordered the kindle edition for «The Lesser Devil», «Tales vol. 1» and «Queen Amid Ashes» as I am well into «Howling Dark», so I was very stoked to see the new cover to «QAA» by Ballaran! 😃


Thank you for another great episode, Petrik! 😊The Broken Binding is on a roll with all these special editions! Wish I could get them all, but it's impossible to keep up 🙈 And they are already getting pretty much all of my money 😂 It's hard to resist The Dandelion Dynasty midnight edition, but my priority for the next months is definitely Malazan, Sun Eater, and Of Blood and Bone - very excited for these 👀

And I feel you: I've also lost interest in The Witcher, didn't even finish (barely started) the last season 😅But I can't wait to pick up The Silverblood Promise, I hope my TBB copy will arrive soon 🤓


I’ve never ordered a special edition on broken binding before, just the regular books from them. Is that where I would find the Dandelion Dynasty special editions tomorrow for general sale? I can’t find any info on their website, wondering if I am looking in the wrong area.


Cannot wait for the Broken Binding Sun Eater Saga books. I missed out on the hardcovers (as so many have) and decided to attempt getting them in another version instead of attempting to pay through the teeth for first editions. I am on the list for the Anderida versions but these are going to be expensive and also quite a long wait to get the whole series. I think TBB might be the best option as the whole series will be released in only a couple years (by the sound of it) and the cost will not be as expensive as the other special editions. I don't care much about limited editions, numbered editions, etc. I just like to have complete sets in reasonably nice editions.

Just a question, as you are involved in the books (at least to a degree). Are these books going to be sewn bindings? This is one of the few things that I really like to have with my hardcovers. I can take or leave naked hardcovers, numbered limited editions, first editions, and I can even give up illustrations if necessary. But give me a nice sewn binding, cloth bound hardcover with a nice paper stock (acid free of course) and I am a happy camper.

Also, do you have any ideas about the costs of these? I know you cannot say specifically, but are they going to be in the 25-30 pound or more likely in the 50-55 pound range? With shipping it can make a big difference. Thanks for any info you might be able to give.


I love the endpaper art for Malazan, the art is gorgeous, but I'm really not a fan of it for Capustan. I just feel like it doesn't do the scene justice. I honestly didn't consider the possibility of the attackers being Tenescowri at first, they just look like normal soldiers. Tenescowri should be climbing over top of each other, desperately trying to get at them like rabid dogs. I always pictured them like the flood of Wights that just wash over everything in GoT 8x3. That's just my opinion, though. Again, I love the art, it just doesn't feel accurate to the story.


Great SFF Spotlight, Petrik! Excited about the extended LOTR movies on the big screen! And...disappointed in The Tales of the Shire Game- looks childish and kinda cheesy. I would LOVE a good LOTR game- is there one out there?


Hey Patrick. Where do you find all your hardbacks? I can't find Empire Of Silence anywhere among other great titles. Thanks.


VERY excited about Janny Wurts audiobook!


I agree with making some changes to the endpaper of MoI. Those Tenescowri look too well fed and too dressed.


A Thousand Li looks so pretty but I'm really trying not buy books just because they look nice before I actually try them, almost got burned by that Gunmetal Gods one, wasn't enjoying the audiobook so skipped it. That said, I'm on the interest list for The Dandelion Dynasty, I was planning to dedicate a couple of days to the audiobook to try it out as 4 books is a lot of shelf space and a lot of money for something I have no idea about but there is no audiobook in the UK for some reason, probably a dumb one! Pretty sure that will sell out fast and the original set is a fortune to buy off Scalperbay, sorry, eBay so might be better to get it, try it and sell it if I don't like it.

I have started The Silverblood Promise and really into it so far, got my Broken Binding copy coming soon so I'll give my other copy to my brother I think, see if he likes it. Can't remember if I mentioned this but I finished Gardens of the Moon and I really enjoyed it, was pretty hard going to begin with and I had to go back a couple of times to bits I missed when I lost focus listening at work but it was well worth it and I'll be all in for getting the Broken Binding editions you are working on with them so good luck with that, can't wait! Also picked up Five Broken Blades from BB too as it looks really interesting and pretty and I broke my rule of not buying pretty books with no idea what they are again didn't I... oh well, it sold out pretty much overnight so hopefully it's a good one! If only it wasn't purple, I might have resisted.

Nope, no interest in The Witcher, it's dead, they should have just cut their losses at the end of the last season, I'd be surprised if they make a fifth of the viewers. Shame really, could have been so good, started well but most people I know pretty much forced their way through the last season just to see the last of Henry for a while.

I never saw Return of the King at the cinema, I watch the extended editions probably at least once a year so maybe I should go see them at the cinema this year.

EDIT: Got The Dandelion Dynasty ordered, decided future me could deal with paying for it.


Silverblood Promise sparked my interest! Thanks for mentioning it. 😊 And of course I can’t wait to rewatch LotR movies on the big screen. I do hope they’ll get this treatment in my country, too.


I enjoyed all the Andy Weir books a lot, but agree that Artemis is a step down from the other two. I think Project Hail Mary just about wins for me, but I loved The Martian too.


Congraz to Janny Wurts for finally getting an audiobook adaptation!


If only dungeon crawler carl ebooks weren't exclusive to amazon...


I love these videos. I just ordered the Dandelion Dynasty from Broken Binding this morning, and I’m backing the Kickstarter for A Thousand Li and Dungeon Crawler Carl. I am the opposite of you re: Andy Weir. I have only read Artemis and quite enjoyed it. -Palmer Pickering.


Hi, it looks like The Thousand Li kickstarter is for just the first book, not an omnibus for the first 3 books.
