Magic the Gathering DID Use AI | Nerd Immersion

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So there was some back and forth regarding the AI art situation for this promotional Magic the Gathering Art. It is now officially confirmed that yes, there were AI assets used. I know that AI is getting harder to recognize, but you gotta tighten this up WotC.

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For a company that just fired 1100 employees less than a month ago, I see them using a lot more AI generative art in the future, no matter what guarantees they give us.


The confident denial followed by sniveling retraction is the part that galls me. I don't think anyone is asking WOTC to know for certain every time and never make a mistake, but when thousands of people— including respected artists and ADs you've worked with in the past— are calling it out, and you can't know for certain if an artist followed your guidelines, the statement shouldn't be "This is impossible. You're making crazy accusations. Okay turns out you were right, and it was AI." It should be "These are serious allegations. We're looking into them."


On the topic of AI content creation The Spiffing Brit did a terrifying video about a year back where he made an entire video using AI and it showed to terrifying extent how efficacious ai is at replicating a youtuber's style

Another example is from the Youtuber TheRussianBadger, one of his friends skulker used AI to replicate several of their other friends voices to terrifying accuracy


Wizards of the coast didn't lie. No ai was used on the cards.


It was an outside marketing company.... but yes, they USED it, but they didn't make it.


kinda like wotc shouldn’t have fired all of their art directors, huh…


I am loving ChatGPT right now. I'm not so into the pictures and/or videos yet...


Soon not having artists use AI tools will be like asking them to paint without a brush


The problem isn't that they use AI art. The problem is their blatant hypocrisy due to publicly denouncing its use in their products.


Of course they did. Why would anyone believe anything they say?


Man their wording is so sleazy and gas light-y. It's like watching a parody of a disgusting megacorp. But it's real life...


Not unexpected from WOTC.
Please start covering other rpgs.
Stop giving WOTC free advertisement.


It's like they're addicted to making choices that make people angry at them. Christ.


For the record I don't care ai or not. I either like the art or not.


"We didn't realize you guys would be so good at picking these things out. Our bad." All in all, I don't think I have a problem with AI used in marketing and ads, BUT when I pay money for a product I want real art created by real humans. Market the product however you want, it's your money. But when I pay, it's my money.


My biggest issue with WotC's response is the wording, they're being misleading to their audience about what it's currently like to use a professional tool such as Photoshop. In Photoshop you have to use the select tool on an image, and then enter a prompt, and then click the generative fill button to use the AI tool that has "crept into" Photoshop. 🙄


Maybe had Hasbro not fired a bunch of people they would have the people to double check everything.


Also I want to be clear, regardless of your thoughts on AI art, the future, etc. The main issue that I have is how WotC handled it. Stating things like: we understand the confusion but this art was created by humans not AI.

Then when people called it out: well, it turns out we made a mistake it did use AI tools. And then trying to blame it on Photoshop


Next it'll be writers and designers. Any way they can rip the 'craft' out of this hobby and inject it with mediocre trash to make that line go up.

Instead of extra fingers and emotionless uncanny-valley eyes, you'll be asked to roll a D23 to hit, and do 2d14 + M damage to the Bhawgburr Simpson Handle.

But hey, those savings will be passed onto the consumer like it always has been in history when 'automation' became king, right?



The art director had nothing to do with the Bigby's situation except for ordering the replacement art. The artist in question did it all themselves and they were an artist who had been contributing since the beginning so they didn't expect it from them
