Ketogenic Diet for Diabetes (Part 2)

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Mark Hyman, MD, Head of Strategy and Innovation, Cleveland Clinic, Center for Functional Medicine talks further with Sarah Hallberg, DO, about the ketogenic diet and the effects on patients with diabetes.

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I was told to keep my carbs very very low, no fruits at the beginning of my High numbers, simply eat low carb veggies and protein in the beginning. I lost 25 lbs within 3 months averaging 3 lbs a week which was awesome. Sugar dropped below 99 which was great. I also had to take certain vitamins as well. I had a full-blown physical and my doc and nutritionist who specializes in diabetes was a tremendous help. I highly recommend each of you see a nutritionist...everyone is different in what they need and what they lack in nutrition. At the end of the day, carbs for me can ONLY be through vegies and some berries for fruit.


This woman is legit up against giants and big money, what an amazing woman, awesome!


Packed with information and full of passion for the cause. A true genius. Bless you Sara.


Other than some of her comments on fasting, I agree with everything else she said. Whether you want to admit it or not, carbs are not a necessary nutrient for the human body and I'm not talking about the broccoli. I'm talking about the sugar, the refined carbs, the complex carbs, the vegetable\seed oils and anything that ends in "ose". The LFHC diet has been one of the most aggreges hoodwinks the politicians and medical community has perpetrated onto the people for over 60 years. She's such a treasure and will be missed.


Mark there is no keto choice at CCF. Todays lunch after my heart Cath was all carbs no fat and low salt. Talk to them


and the #2's are not worse, maybe a little better


Blood sugar isn't the problem, it's a symptom. The actual problem is insulin resistance. Low carb/keto will control blood sugar numbers but it makes insulin resistance worse. So, it works no different than drugs. On low carb the first time you eat a slice of bread blood sugar will go to the moon. The "cure" is to fix the insulin resistance problem. Once you do that you'll be able to eat anything you want and not spike blood sugar or insulin. It's like being 15 years old again. And let's not forget that study of study has shown that low carb/keto is life shortening and in those later years unhealthy.


I've just got noticed that she passed away. Non smoker lung cancer. What a terrible, sad loss!!!! May she rest in peace.


I went on a carnivore diet and all my lipids dropped and my triglycerides dropped significantly even the glucose dropped, and my liver enzymes dropped -- oops!!


What is the best fasting window and I have a hard time getting my fat higher than protein if my protein does not exceed my daily requirement is that ok


Keto + Diabetes = Heart Attack + Neuropathy


Thank you for this wonderful video! i also know about diabetes control from ( gluconize ) and its helps me to know anything about diabetes.


The movie game changers is a bit problematic. First, the strongman athlete was not, and never was, the World's Strongest Man. Also, with the strength athlete and the other athletes, is the very high probability that the are taking performance enhancing drugs. It's not enough that they might have been tested in past, or we should just take their words. We have too many examples of athletes caught doping who claimed they were completely natural.

Also, it's a bit disingenuous for studies to claim less the 40% (or sometimes 30%) carbs is "low carb" when clearly a low carb effect doesn't kick in until 10% or even 5% and the mechanism of the dietary approach clearly changes at that point. Maybe it should be something like a "low insulin response diet" instead. I know if I have even a slice of cake as my only bit of carbs for the day (and it's well below 40% of net carbs), my blood glucose levels are way out of bounds and requires almost a full day to recover.


No real doctor should ever use the word “statin”. Why fix one thing by triggering 100 major health problems?


I think these two are a little behind the times


What a brilliant woman and doctor and such a tragic loss with her passing - Dr Mark what is it with your facial gestures, scratching cleaning out your ear and not looking directly at Sarah during your interview - poor interviewing and disrespectful!!
