#1 SOLID Principles | Single Responsibility Principle | Practical Example | Design Patterns
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In today's video we are going to see the one of the design principle of SOLID principles.
Solid principles are the design principles which helps in designing the framework.
By following the principles we can create a framework which will be flexible and easy to maintain.
SOLID is basically an acronym for five design principles.
Where S stands for Single Responsibility Principle.
O is for Open closed Principle.
L stands for Liskov substitution Principle
I is for Interface Segregation Principle
D stands for Dependency Inversion Principle
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Please watch below video as well -
Solid principles are the design principles which helps in designing the framework.
By following the principles we can create a framework which will be flexible and easy to maintain.
SOLID is basically an acronym for five design principles.
Where S stands for Single Responsibility Principle.
O is for Open closed Principle.
L stands for Liskov substitution Principle
I is for Interface Segregation Principle
D stands for Dependency Inversion Principle
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Please watch below video as well -
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