How to Use the LET Function in Excel Tutorial

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In this LET Function tutorial, we teach you how to use this handy Excel function.

The LET function is part of the Text group of functions in Excel. It allows you to assign names to calculation results inside a formula.

So, if you find yourself writing the same expression multiple times in a formula, LET basically allows you to name the expression, and then Excel will calculate the result using the name.

Not only is this a great time-saving function, but it also makes your formulas easier to read and understand as you don’t have to remember what a specific cell reference or range refers to. It’s right there in the formula! In front of your eyeballs!

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Visual practically easy to understand.Thank you


Very well explained. As you mentioned it, LET function its like using named ranges, kind of remind me of it. Very interesting indeed. Thanks for informative tutorial.


Great presentation of the function. Thanks.


Great explanation, thank you. I'm getting to grips with the LET function and starting to really like it. However I created a unique list of some items and store in variable and then tried to use the variable in a MakeArray function that also uses Textsplit to have the text over 3 columns and it does not give the right result. If I replace the variable with the spilled dynamic array (#), it works as it should. Any ideas? Data, MAKEARRAY(ROWS(Flex_ul), 3, LAMBDA(rw, col, INDEX(TEXTSPLIT(INDEX(Flex_ul, rw, 0), " "), 1, col))) - where Flex_ul is the unique list.
