What are warts — and how do you get rid of them? - Cella Wright

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Explore the science of how certain HPVs can cause warts, and what you should do if you get one of these bumpy skin growths.


Throughout history, people have attributed warts to contact with things like sea foam, boiled egg water, and, of course, toads. Fortunately, we now know that warts are not caused by toads, but are actually caused by human papillomaviruses, or HPVs. So, how exactly do HPVs lead to warts? And what should you do if you get one? Cella Wright explores the science of these bumpy skin growths.

Lesson by Cella Wright, directed by Anton Bogaty.

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My personal experience with a wart:
I had a wart on my foot since i was like, 8?
And it was HUGE.
My mother went to so many doctors who gave me a lot of different methods of removing the wart like cutting it after soaking it in water, spraying it with like a very cold spray and eventually my mother couldn't handle it anymore and my wart got lasered.

Despite all her efforts and despite a freaking laserbeam burning the heck out of my wart, it still persisted and stayed.

Until my aunt told my mother to use garlic to create blisters on my wart so that the skin could swell up and the roots would be easier to cut.

It worked.

So now i have a scar on my foot, where my wart was.

So in conclusion: if doctors' procedures don't work and your wart is still too stubborn to die, use garlic.
Way cheaper and effective.

Thanks for reading!


Another reason: Being a wicked green witch


Fascinating, I’ve had a wart on the ring finger of my left hand for a while. Never knew exactly what caused them. Awesome video!


Finally. Truthful info about HPV that doesn't say that it's only an STI. While that's the most common means of transmission, HPV is one of those viruses that's everywhere.


i've had some pretty persistent warts on my feet for the past few years and finally got rid of the last one about a month ago! my dermatologist recommended surrounding the skin of the wart with a bit of vaseline with the help of a q-tip before applying salicylic acid to the wart, then putting a tiny bit of a plastic bag on that and covering that with adhesive bandage, then changing it every day (i did it every other day or so because i'm lazy lol). the trick was to not let the salicylic acid dry out and it worked really well!
for a single tiny wart i can also recommend putting salicylic acid on, then covering that with a pimple patch with the same ingredient (and maybe some adhesive bandage to secure it in place)! that also worked really well on my toe and was less work and less of a mess lmao


Not toads being wrongly accused #justicefortoads


“Go away without intervention”
Not me with warts for the past 8 years with treatment


1:39 oh boy, someone got a sense of humor.😂😂


I used to have a couple, one time I was welding and decided I have had enough of them so I stuck the 1200°C (2500°F) electroed on them, and they dissapred after a cople weeks.


I had a wart on the top of my right foot for a few years, and then randomly disappeared, first and only one I've ever had


I have self treated feet warts that worked 100% with store bought apple cider vinegar:
- cut down the skin layer (with a clean nail clipper) till point bleeding starts and exposes the wart
- rub/drip on the vinegar all over
- keep covered with cut-to-size cotton pads (or plastic bag sheet/ band aid) and tape up
- use a tiny drink straw to dab more vinegar on the pad every few hours keeping the wart soaked and the vinegar from drying out
- it is working when you feel stinging pain every time vinegar is added as the wart dies
- the pain will reduce by day 3-4 when consistently vinegar'd and the skin layer below begins to heal and push out the dead wart (itching starts as well)


What are the odds dude
I just moments before came to know that this thing on my wrist is a wart and Ted just showed up with on warts .
Thats freaking crazy.


I had a really stubborn couple of plantar warts on my right pinky toe and some on the adjacent toe when I was in middle school. My dad took me to the dermatologist countless times to get them frozen off. It was excruciatingly painful and I saw zero improvement. Since that wasn’t working I was prescribed something they called “beetlejuice” (I’m sure it’s not actually called that) that I had to apply to my warts every night, and cover them with duct tape so it would keep the medication on them while I slept. And in the morning I had to rinse it off. I did that for a couple months and they finally went away and relatively pain free. I wish my dermatologist would have just prescribed that to me from the beginning or after 3 or 4 times when the freezing wasn’t working.


You guys should also do a video on keyloids


My gynaecologist said to me, an HPV infection never heals up fully, like shingles. But I read differently, namely when it's over, one is immune to this specific type. Does someone know better?


Wait, there are _hundreds_ of species of HPV? I was always under the impression that there was only one because it was always referred to in the singular? What HPV was the vaccine I had when I was a teenager targeting?


I used to have a wart on my left palm. I had no idea that it was caused by HPV. Trippy. I removed the wart with a nail clipper and cleaned the area with hydrogen peroxide i think. This was twenty two years ago


I had warts on my fingers for years, but after a different skin blemish on my fingertips disappeared, so too did all the warts; so that immune response must be the reason


I remember when I was 5 I used to have warts all over my right hand, | used to go to the doctors to get them frozen off, it was horrible and it hurt, I remember still having them in 1979 I moved to south africa and all the warts moved from my hand to my elbow, and in 1985 I moved back to the UK and 2 or 3 warts moved back to my hand, by the time I was in my late teens or early 20's they had all gone, it wasn't very nice and I am so glad they are all gone my kids dont have them either.


Beautiful video & stupendous style
