Relaxing Sleep Music + Stress Relief - Relaxing Music, Deep Sleep Instantly, Night Coffee Music

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Relaxing Sleep Music + Stress Relief - Relaxing Music, Deep Sleep Instantly, Night Coffee Music

Artist: BigRicePiano
Track: Polaris

~ BigRicePiano ~

~ Wallpaper: pasopuchi ~

~ The Soul of Wind ~

Thank you very much for listening. Enjoy relaxing, Sleeping, Meditation Music and have a wonderful day or evening!

#SleepInstantly #PianoMusic #CoffeeMusic

_The Soul of Wind_
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My comment might get lost but if 1 single person sees this, I wish you a good night!


Hope there is a parallel universe, where all of my Imaginated friends exist and all my other dreams comes true.


I love yellow roses, hot chocolate cake and frogs. I love sunrises and soft summer rains, after a week of hot weather. I love eggs and coffe in the morning and warm tea in the evening. I love walking through the park on beautiful sunny days, with my favourite songs playing in my earphones. I love the smell of fresh flowers, that just begun to bloom. I love clear night skies. I love the kind of nights, where I can spend hours just being in my beautiful mind. I love hugs. I love my cat cuddled in my lap. I love the smile and the smell of my grandma and I love the days, where I can just walk through the city, without having anything to do.
I wrote this for myself, just in case I forget the little things in my life again <3


Dear those who are reading this message, if you are having a hard time, remember that you are not alone and never give up. I wish you health, success, love and happiness!


Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! ❤️


Everyone who sees this: You’re beautiful, and never give up your dreams, you are in this world for a reason!❤️


To the person reading this... cherish each moment of this beautiful life and believe that all things are possible. You are shrouded in love and protection. You are enough and an amazing human. Have a great life from here on and on. 🙏🏾❤️


I feel happy to be able to sit like this and look at the sky.


For those who is listening to this music, you’re not alone, you’re so beautiful and deserve a beautiful life. If you want to cry, just cry and tomorrow it will be a day full of sunshine. Don’t let those negative thought kill you. You’re strong!!!


To the person who read this, you deserve a successful life just move forward for your Journey 💝


Who else has that feeling where you're surrounded by a group of people but still feel lonely


I am in the Netherlands right now on vacation seeing this exact same night lights escenario, it is lovely, it is peaceful, it is romantic, , it is magic. The breeze is bringing that beautiful fall scent of pine balsam and cinnamon. My eyes are lost in these lights, I can see village lights from far, I imagine that inside those houses there’s a family with two little kids enjoying dinner or an old couple in their 70’s alone with a dog and a cat sitting near a fireplace sipping hot cocoa, gazing at the burning logs, I’m a hopeless romantic, I’m in love with love, I love to love. I live to love, I love to live. I hope the same for you reading this, there isn’t a thing on this planet more important than love. I love you.


For anyone that needs to hear this. You are worth more than you'll ever know. Take care of yourself ♥️


I am in deep grief and mostly unable to improve my life and be of use for others or myself. I am 30, and i am sruffering dsily from indecision, lack of hope and loneliness. I too deserve to be normal I think. I will try harder tomorrow and be a bit more okay. I love you all ❤


I can't wait until life goes back to normal and we can sit in cozy coffee shops again. Everything is so sad and stressful these days :( These kinds of videos help relax my brain.


“Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life.”
- Jean Paul Friedrich Richter


why is everyone in the comment section more supportive and kind than my "friends" are? I don't know y'all, but i love you guys


I am so stress right now, i couldn’t do anything just lying on my bed in the entire day and this calming music help me to relax my mind and body. Thank You so much for this!

Reminder: To all whos reading this, it’s okay if you didn’t do anything today! It’s okay if you all just do today is cry, just let it out okay? You will get through this! I love you! You are amazing love. ❤️


don't let thing in school or home or just in the street stress you out. you are an amazing person. I hope you have great things happen to you. :)


To anyone Reading this.
Have a a good day, evening, or afternoon.
God bless.❤🙏
