Do You Think or Feel AI? - Jurassic Park - M3 #artificialintelligence

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WELCOME to the M3 series where we dig into one MEANINGFUL MOVIE MOMENT SHORT EACH WEEKEND and reflect on BIG QUESTIONS (e.g. Why am I here? Who am I? Where am I going? How should I live?) throughout the week. All are welcome, but this series is focused on EXPLORERS: people who are searching for and pursuing the meaning of life.
QUESTIONS - Let me know what you think? Is this movie moment meaningful to you? Can you think of another movie scene that seems to address this question?
FOREVER FILTER (sometimes a helpful tool to apply to any activity to discern meaningfulness): Is there any piece of content you could see yourself consuming forever? Can you imagine a relationship or activity that wouldn’t become boring or unfulfilling if it continued on forever? What can Artificial Intelligence offer us along these lines?
GENERAL DIGGING DEEPER QUESTIONS FOR LIFE'S EXPERIENCES - Not sure what something means? These questions may help:
How does the life experience (something you watched, heard, read, did, didn't do, etc.) make you feel? Why?
What does it make you think? Why?
Does experience impact how you live? Why or why not?
How would an experience (or movie scene) play out if you were in it? Why?
How did the movie scene play out if you were in it?
Would you do anything different if you could do it again and why?
Is there purpose or meaning in it?
Does it point to an objective or subjective truth?
Is it helpful or does it hinder your journey?
Is there passion in your life and is it purposeful or pointless?
Try comparing the following. Think about something really meaningful that you’ve been told about, something you’ve watched (like this scene), or something you’ve personally experienced with or without someone else. As you compare these meaningful experiences, are there any insights into these BIG questions: Why am I here, Who am I? Where am I going? What should I do? I'd love to hear about it:-)
On the journey together,