Introduction To Web Components & Polymer - ALT .NET Sydney
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If you ever used a JavaScript framework like AngularJS to be able to use HTML templates and pulled from individual files as needed, and be able to data bind them to your JavaScript objects, these features are all now getting native support with Web Components!
Similar to custom server controls in ASP .NET Webforms (which might be the one feature people miss from that framework), Web Components allow you to create custom elements that come bundled with their JavaScript, and completely independent CSS all in a single HTML import.
This is becoming a reality with browser support starting to take place already, and frameworks like Polymer building on top of web components, extending their data binding and providing essential components to get you up to speed.
In this talk, Meligy walks us the first steps into explaining how Web Components and Polymer actually work, and how they affect current JavaScript development framework like AngularJS.
Similar to custom server controls in ASP .NET Webforms (which might be the one feature people miss from that framework), Web Components allow you to create custom elements that come bundled with their JavaScript, and completely independent CSS all in a single HTML import.
This is becoming a reality with browser support starting to take place already, and frameworks like Polymer building on top of web components, extending their data binding and providing essential components to get you up to speed.
In this talk, Meligy walks us the first steps into explaining how Web Components and Polymer actually work, and how they affect current JavaScript development framework like AngularJS.