World Harvest Church Featured on Good Day Columbus!

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Easter @WHClife
Featured on @WSYXABC6 Good Day Columbus with Cameron Fontana
Sunday, April 17, 2022
World Harvest Church
4595 Gender Road
Canal Winchester, Ohio
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Glory to God, of course!! That's what I call CHURCH! Happy Resurrection Day!


He's ALIVE! So good to be able to worship with others in person this year!


Love the exposure #theHarv is getting from the local news station....of course, it helps that Cameron is part of the staff of Good Day Columbus.


Katie looks amazing! (I miss #KidHarvestClubhouse videos!)


God the Potter ONLY uses BROKEN (people) vessels in ministry.

📖 2 Corinthians 1:8 📖
We do NOT want you to be UNINFORMED, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under GREAT pressure, far beyond OUR ABILITY to endure, so that we despaired of LIFE itself.

When a woman purchases an expensive bottle of perfume, she buys it for the pleasant fragrance that it releases into the air. She understands that it is NOT the perfume container itself that has true value. It is the expensive ointment that is INSIDE of the container that is considered valuable. She would NEVER dream of discarding the precious ointment that is inside of the container and just be content with the container itself, because she would have knowingly forfeited the very thing that has TRUE value. When a person becomes truly born again, JESUS CHRIST places His Spirit INSIDE of that person. That is what gives the person TRUE value...the possessing of His Holy Spirit. After Christ places His Spirit inside of the (vessels) person, He then begins ministering a cycle of emotional BROKENNESS into their saved lives in order to release His sweet smelling aroma of SALVATION into the lives of His people who are often times destitute of WORLDLY comforts. 2 Timothy 2:3.


📖 Mark 14:3 📖
While He (Christ) was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a WOMAN came with an alabaster JAR of very EXPENSIVE PERFUME, made of pure nard. She BROKE the jar and poured the perfume on His head.

The Lord’s disciples were subjected to BROKENNESS by the hand of God, that Christ’s miracle working power may be WITNESSED throughout ALL of the world in hope that Christ may receive His GLORY amongst the believers and unbelievers how often are YOU broken?

“Hope itself is like a star - not to be seen in the sunshine of PROSPERITY, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity.”
Charles Spurgeon,
