Protecting Yourself From Narcissists As A Highly Sensitive Person

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It is so DIFFICULT being a sensitive person, who feels another person’s energy acutely.

Most of us, who have been abused by narcissists, ARE highly sensitive people, including me …

It can make us feel TOTALLY anxious and unsafe.

ESPCIALLY when in the vicinity of a NARCISSIST.

We know they have dark moods and can turn into horrible people who hurt us, at the slightest provocation and without warning.

So … HOW can we navigate this?

Can we be a sensitive person, feeling their shocking energy, and still be safe?

I want you to know that you CAN protect yourself and discover just how POWERLESS narcissists really are.

Watch today’s Thriver TV Episode to discover how.

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#ProtectingYourselfFromNarcissists #melanietoniaevans
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I want to be seen and loved for who I am, my authentic self. Not who “THEY “ expect me to be.
I am not even sure I have ever known myself, I have always been trying to fit into some mold of who I am expected to be.
Now I am trying to do the work of finding my own self, who I am and what I want to be, without judgement, criticism and rejection.


I had an epiphany today. I used to comply and keep secrets because I was taking on responsibilities that were not mine- I was wondering how bills would get paid, where he would live, etc if i didn’t just shut up and just let things be. I don’t know why as a child I thought such big issues were my responsibility. Now that I am an adult I find a lot of peace in not just keeping boundaries but understanding what I am responsible for and what I am NOT responsible for


I dont ask why any more, I know why now. Im taking back my soul. Finding people with my values is not so easy. Thats why Im so glad we are all here. I love your videos Melanie, Im so glad your here!!


I did not leave him because I had no confidence in myself. My mother did not validate my feelings. She did not take the time to really listen to me as a young girl. My father was absent for business. He was calm and handsome. Once mom asked for a divorce my world became a tornado of stress. I had to keep the peace and become very strong for her. My dad disappeared into another woman's life. He was weak and did not take care of me nor protect me. My subconscious thinks I don't deserve tenderness and respect. The light is coming through the darkness now due to this. It is tough work. I am feeling a little hope. God bless you Melanie.


I have been afraid of sharing The Royal We in my private life. ive kept this a secret from my personal life. I feel inadequate in sharing about who I really am, the people I desire to help. I've been afraid of family criticizing my efforts or calling me judgmental. Thank you Melanie, you are helping build the courage to drench my life in my calling.


To keep the "peace"; to avoid criticism, difficulty, rejection...


I dont think its up to Melanie to bring Narcissist victim syndrome to the attention of the medical field but geez Ive been going to ER and doctors since age 16 (1978) Finally in 2018 I learned what was going on with me online! Kinda sad not one counselor, psychiatrist, trauma unit at er Etc., ever mentioned narcissist!! Nor knew what was happening to me and my health.


Your videos got me through the first day after leaving my relationship for 7 years. Your videos on no contact helped me keep going. After I left him he was so emotionally and physically abusive that my hair would fall out from the stress. Your self help advice is completely true and I am always the type of person who wants to save others and stay to help. But almost always at the cost of myself. Im only 3 weeks away from the narcissist and im feeling more of myself every day. Thank you for being the one that GOT what I needed to hear! I know I have a long journey of healing and this gives me hope.


Wow.. "I relinquish reading your energy, and appeasing you to feel safe and loved". Big one for me! This is my goal. Thank you for sharing X


Wow...that was my life Mel...telling people what they want to hear, dancing around their wounds, subjugating myself like this, not letting go of the toxic to live my truth. Well, I'm not doing much! I slip back into the habit of doing so less and less. And when I slip back, I forgive myself. I sometimes meet up with people from my narc days, when it is safe to do so... to observe them.... observe our interaction...observe my body feeling a certain way...observe how it leaves me feeling afterwards. I observe it, then I let it go...My circle is totally changing. I believe in my self. I really do love myself and I tell myself that. I experience joy and am comfortable and secure in me. I still wake up with regret but remind myself that there is nothing bad happening today...that it is ALL GOOD <3


My fave Melanie saying "wrong town" love it 💖

Автор are simply stunning!
You are so appreciated! Your work was the catalyst for my healing! Your modules, blog and videos have been the foundation for my inner work and healing. Blessings to you!


Much gratitude for this link on mothers Melanie. Therapists have told me mom had a borderline personality disorder. Yet attributes of narcissism were evident also. She passed April 2017 from advanced dementia. I was there for her so I would never regret not easing her passing. She lost her dad in WW 2. As a military air force officer he was brilliant but very selfish & critical. She adored him and was devastated when he died in an accidental plan crash on Vancouver Island. I know this trauma was awful for her. Her mom was an angel and the loveliest lady one could ever meet. Granny gave me unconditional love always. I was so blessed she was 100% there for me. My mom lucked out in the mom department. I lost this lady when I was 30 yrs old - my truest, bluest mentor.
I did well in high school because once out of the house I had a focus on cheerleading, ballet and teaching dance. This led to a BFA in honours ballet. I had ambition and danced professionally. The trouble started after with the marriage. Now I get why I chose the man I did out of all the choices there were. Dear Melanie through these blogs I am having many traumas triggered. They make me feel nauseous and shaky. This must be what I need to feel to bring them all up to the surface. I did a yoga class today to release more. I will definitely join NARP next month when I can manage to money wise. You are a wonderful angel here on earth sharing very real, impactful concepts with each of us.. When the student is ready the teacher appears. Extremely grateful for your generosity and profound knowledge. With love.


You have helped me so much over the past few years. I have been on a long healing journey and what a difference a few years makes. Both parents are narcissistic and they really struggled when I started to live according to my own truth. My father passed away 1 week ago. Without my own healing this would have been very difficult. I have gathered a sense of honesty, dignity, and wholeness that I never thought I would know which made it possible for me to grieve the loss of my father while he was declining with dementia. I was also able to accept that my father could not show love to me in a way that I could receive it. In his final days I told him that he lived a good life based on what he wanted to do. He had his family that he wanted. And he most definitely lived his life on his own terms. That last statement by the way is an understatement because it was always about his terms. I had spent several years grieving the loss of my father while he was still here on earth with us. Melanie, you showed me what real love is. Love is acceptance. You showed me how to accept my father and others for who they really are and to set better boundaries. Once I accepted my father I was at peace. I didn’t need to get angry. I did not need to try to change him. I worked on me. I was responsible for looking after him and his needs as he lived out his final days in a nursing home. He was not responsive in his final week but I did tell him that I got his strength, grit, determination and drive from him and that he would be OK and I would be OK. Who would have thought healing journey would lead to that. Even my relationship with my mother is different. When we change and do the innerwork people will catch on that we are no longer malleable, submissive, or obedient. It’s a real shocker for them. When we claim our own power we make the choices, not others. When we set boundaries and define how we want our lives to look at what we want relationships to be like we decide who stays and who goes. It is taken me a very long time and I’m so grateful to have found you. It is with a full heart I send you many blessings.


Love your relaxing voice/accent, your therapeutic advice and cute kitty:]


Melanie coz of ur videos I’ve learned to stop ✋ trying to get EXTERNAL VALIDATION that I exist n that I deserve love ... I am enough to love myself need for any APPROVAL


Melanie, thank you for such articulate and meaningful videos. With your support and others in the narcissistic abuse community, along with my own inner strength, I have not only survived the horror that so many of us have experienced, but I am so fortunate to say that finally enjoying life with an abundance of freedom, peace, love and happiness. After the darkness comes light. Justice does not usually prevail with such disturbed and deceitful individuals and unfortunately we may lose our home, our finances, , and even our children to parental alienation, but goodness, honesty and integrity in our own hearts surely can be the positive outcome. 💕


I was afraid of being abandoned, and that if I spoke my truth I wouldn’t be deserving of my father’s love.

Thank you Melanie for another affirming video. These videos are a beacon of hope for me. In my experience, your emphasis on “being a source to self, regardless of what other people are or aren’t doing” is so important to remember. And thank you also for creating the NARP program. It has been a key part of my continuing personal recovery from narcissistic abuse. ❤️


Hey, you pulled you hair back, and have the kitty-cat there by your side. AWESOME! Keep up the amazing help you bring to the world. Especially me! You are a bright light in a very darkened world. God bless you.😊👍


really profound. Yes, I definitely had to learn to read energy as a child although I didn't know that that was what I was doing. It was a survival strategy.
