When man said ‘easily the art of peer pressure’ I realised I couldn’t take this video seriously
I fell off my seat when u chose the art of peer pressure over I wonder
This nigga really said easily over i wonder
Bitch it's top 5 kanye track
EDIT: It has grown on me so much it's my second favourite kanye song now
I dont think a song by song comparison makes much sense with these albums when they both set out to accomplish wildly different things. Kanye wanted to make bangers and Kendrick wanted to tell stories (which often turn out to be bangers)
Props to the deaf community for continuing to put out hot takes like this
Swimming pools is one of the greatest songs of all time
"Sherane over good morning" lol this dude weird asf 😭
According to me I wonder is one of Kanye's best song
Should have done Macklemore's "The Heist" vs gkmc
Lmao The Recipe is easily the most slept on song on that LP
Kinda hard to pick. Two totally different albums with very different views.
what drugs you on? I need them, bc DAMN they got you trippin
Biased, graduation is one of the best music albums of all time
Stronger over backseat freestyle has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen
I’m M.a.a.d that you didn’t choose good morning
Oh good, im glad everybody disagrees with this guy
The art of peer pressure is one of the greatest story telling songs ever. Yes easily. Stop it
As much as I love Kendrick and GKMC. Graduation was a big deal and shifted the hip hop culture. It broke the entire stereotype of hip hop/ rap at the time where if you didn’t look or sound like 50 Cent, it ain’t selling. Ye made it cool to be a nerd or dork and still succeed. That’s just my opinion.
It’s so hard to compare these 2 artists. It’s like comparing a great painter to a great writer. It’s almost impossible and both are masters at what they do.
I knew as soon as you picked sherane over good morning that we would not be seeing eye-to-eye on this one