GEN vs FLY - Game 5 | Quarter Final LoL Worlds 2024 | Gen.G vs FlyQuest G5 full

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full game quarter finals FLY vs GEN G5 lol worlds 2024 Quarter finals - FlyQuest vs Gen.G Game 5 of Season 14 lol eSports World Championship 2024 in Europe.
LoL eSports S14 WORLDS 2024 Playoffs - Gen.G vs FlyQuest Quarter Final | League of Legends Worlds 2024 FLY vs GEN VOD 1080p Full HD.
Fifth match of the day - FlyQuest vs Gen.G best of 5 Game 5.
GEN vs FLY G5 full game in HD 1080p.

Gen.G (LCK) line-up:
Kiin - Top Rumble
Canyon - Jungle Skarner
Chovy - Mid Smolder
Peyz - Bot Ziggs
Lehends - Support Maokai

FlyQuest eSports (NA) Line-up:
Bwipo - Top Sett
Inspired - Jungle Fiddlesticks
Quad - Mid Yone
Massu - ADC Kalista
Busio - Support Alistar

Patch: 14.18 - Season 14
Game date: 20.10.2024 | 10/20/2024 | October 20th 2024
Game place: Paris, France
Casters: Vedius, Azael and Captain Flowers

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Bwipo definitely threw this game by leaving top lane and hitting the scryer's bloom. Up until that point, GenG had no idea that they were doing baron. If he had stayed in lane, GenG would not have expected the 2-man baron take, and even if they had, Kiin wouldn't have been able to place the ward in the pit which allowed Chovy to TP in. That was the most free baron ever if Bwipo just stayed in lane to keep Kiin busy. If you watch the minimap leading up to that fight, you'll see that Canyon, Chovy, and Lehends are busy not even looking that direction, and Peyz had started to move toward midlane, but then started heading back toward dragon because of the 2v2 fight in the river near dragon. Quad and Busio would have kept all four of those guys down there, Bwipo could have kept Kiin in top, and FLY could have taken the baron for free. Even if Peyz decided to go back toward mid and not toward dragon, he can't facecheck baron.


I would say the Fiddles and Sett pick were the deciding factor in them losing this. But that Baron call/play was game ending.


WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT MASSU AT 28:35??? He freaking attack-moved after flashing the wall and hit the suicide blast cone WITH HIS OWN AUTO.


"In the end, I guess dreams are something you wake up from."


People are probably thinking the sett pick or the fiddle pick were bad, but to me, the real problems of the draft were the blind pick kalista and the last pick Alistar.

Locking in Kalista blind against smolder when your mid is already locked in leaves you no room left to answer smolder’s scaling unless bwipo takes yone and quad picks another hyper scaling champion (like Asol or anivia to neutralise both smoulder and Skarner). But then this means flyquest have little room left in the draft to build a strong enough frontline for Kalista, which also further screwed them over. You can argue that the Kalista pick was meant to dominate early so that smolder had no time to scale, but the yone matchup makes it too easy for him not to scale anyways.

Blind picking the kalista also meant peyz got to neutralise it with ziggs, making the pick completely useless for the whole game as well. If kalista was meant to be the answer to smolder, then it immediately got blown up in their faces once ziggs was locked in.

Alistar also doesn’t do anything for their comp. Gen g has no divers for busio to protect flyquests’ carries from, and they shouldn’t be relying on Kalista R to engage/follow-up when they have a fiddlesticks anyways. A Leona would’ve been more valuable here, or even a rakan if they didn’t ban it themselves, as they have higher pick potential and have access on to smolder and ziggs. Alistar reaches no one and was such a low impact last pick. Flyquest tunnelled too hard on picking team fight champions and failed to consider the fatal gaps it opened in their drafting. :(


If Bwipo didn't come down to the baron they would've had it


the fact that they didn't just roll over and die but fucking sent it with that comp is just great. NA really needed a team like this, i'm a fan now.


canyon predicting fiddle ult is crazy 35:33


Anyone else pissed off because of this weird HUD? Is it because of fiddle or spellbook?


That throw on Baron... every team tries to be T1 when it comes to crazy Baron plays. Too bad they're not T1.


This year NA > EU. No questions anymore for me.


28:09 bwipo taking the vision cone is a massive mistake here he just gived GenG the info


While reading the comments, I’ve come to the conclusion that the vast majority of NA players are not the smartest ones. First of all, FlyQuest is NA only on paper: 1 Korean, 2 Europeans, and 2 North Americans. Second, the Baron sneak play was actually pretty good. It was Bwipo who gave away the information, while it would have been much better if he had waited in the bush near red or close to the blast cone. If he had just destroyed the blast cone, it would have made a huge difference. They needed 10 more seconds at most to finish the Baron, and the only way they could have lost it was if Kiin got there in time. He had everything he needed (even a ward so Chovy could TP). Even if he hadn’t hit the Bloom, Peyz had already ulted because Bwipo had hit the Bloom earlier, it only helped for giving full vision. But if Bwipo had been there to prevent Kiin from getting near the Baron (he could have ulted him away, or as I said, just destroyed the blast cone), Kiin would have had to flash into the pit, making it harder for him to close the gap.

We won’t even talk about Kalista hitting the blast cone after flashing. I was watching him play Kalista, and that champion is definitely not his best. He should have played Kai’Sa, as he has shown that he’s good with her. I’m not sure why FlyQuest didn’t try using two carries again, as they won with that playstyle to make it 2:1, and then they proceeded to let Gen.G play it. This last game was what I personally hoped for. If you can’t beat them with meta picks, surprise them with pocket picks. And they actually did pretty well until that Baron play. It’s sad that we didn’t see more because the Koreans definitely felt the pressure. If FlyQuest had been a little more patient, things could have gone the other way—or at least not ended like this—because we didn’t see much due to that Baron play. It was Chemtech drake so Blast Cone was crucial in that fight and Bwipo really should have destroyed it.

Mistakes are part of the game, but in the end, its only a game. As much as I have nothing against Bwipo (he’s a funny guy), he should have saved the jokes for after the game. He was overreacting, and that surely impacted his focus. If he had actually focused on the game instead of reacting to certain plays, maybe he would have stayed top to keep Kiin busy or done what I already mentioned. He didn’t even manage to use W or flash in that fight, so he really trolled as much as he could.

And finally, I think it’s a mindset issue. They came to have fun as outsiders, but after winning 2 games, they still didn’t believe they could win it all. I mean, they believed, but they already felt like they had achieved something big by taking 2 games off Gen.G. The real accomplishment would have been taking all 3.


i swear man the yone, kalista, and sett was a clown 🤡


GenG just snoozed hard enough to beat an opponent that shouldn't have even been a contest. I hope the GenG choke curse out-does the T1 vs GenG curse and we get a more exciting final.


Clever Baron call but their brains barfed and they threw it. Also Bwipo played Sett like a clown.


They almost won with NA cheese but Bwipo had to hit the fucking plant


Fiddlesticks is the most 'do your homework' champion in the game. His 'Fear' theme is so perfect, he is a horror movie villain. If you slip up anywhere, Fiddle will be there to rip you in half, but if you are sufficiently prepared and a bit lucky, he can't hurt you. Flyquest challenged a bunch of Korean teenagers to a homework contest, and paid the price.


Of course NA has to flip a 20minute baron with just 1 item kalista and end up leashing it. Jesus christ.


its honestly crazy that flyquest managed to take GenG to a damn GAME 5. if Gen G was strugging against NA of all things, i cant wait to see how they fare against T1 where T1 is just...built different in worlds compared to at home
