Is this a EVEN a Tower Defense game?? (WTD: Game Review)

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This video took way longer to make than it should have..
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The video is back up, alot of issues arose when I first published it, built-in captions were innacurate and my editor was constantly crashing trying to process the sheer amount of volume of my very long recordings of WTD.

Regardless, Id love to know what you personally think of this game.


this game is extremely fun but the main problem is the new player experience. The tutorial does a pretty bad job of explaining things outside the bare minimum. The tutorial doesnt teach Arguably extremely important things such as baiting and strategies. Baiting can make or break your run and in casual mode. The conehead who is the final boss of casual mode has slam attacks that do aoe. And he can tear through your defense easily. But this becomes way worse in burden. You can actually beat burdensome with only credz units. But it requires alot of strategy. And this game just likes to not teach you that. Speedster and avenger are generally easy but terminator i think is what ends most burden runs and by extension new players. Terminator isnt the first ranged boss. But the terminators weak counterpart executioner is very easy. You can easily defeat executioner with ease if you just simply spam sniper and since new players only have sniper and soldier its easy. But terminator is way faster harder and can easily defeat your defense if you dont know how to bait due to its bomb attack. And you cant focus on term as the brute also comes and he shields the term so if you focus on terminator the brute destroys your defenses. But even if you get past term The paladins will wreck you. Since there are multiple paladins you have to deal with baiting two bosses at the same time and the shock attacks do even more damage. Also some maps have upwards of 8 paladins. They do have lower health to counter this but your dealing with 8x the firepower of one paladin.


I kinda wish there were big content creator talking about how the tutorial and how to improve it


You don’t need trophy towers to beat burden


Btw some alt units have 2paths like tower blitz, some alt have upgrade like normal or few you click the units itself to upgrade it


also tds and allat (including btd6) is an idle game mixed with tower defense elements


Use max level snipers and soldiers for bait


the only problems are the freaky owner and co owner and the community


Honestly my Idea for the tutorial is to add an optional boss like a weakened Templar with only wave attacks. The player is not expected to win the first time and is granted as many retries as they want. Beating it would give a sizable amount of cress
This will act as a way of teaching the player the hard nature of the game and instill the expectation losing towers is part of the process while also promising the player they will be greatly rewarded for winning(which they are)


Btw rush and onward you need teammates because the game balance around teammates, so good luck and hope for good teammates because it not possible to solo them(ruin and painful can be solo but very hard to do)btw map can change the enemy that usually spawn like for example on volcano terminator turn into incinerator(it a lot harder version of terminator that have basically 2 phase and do different things on different phase like first phase shoot it rocket at your tank that burn for a long time and it can heal, then the second the phase rocket now deal insane dmg to your tank and it immune to bullet, both have longer range than normal terminator)


Ambush did ruin pvp for me by a)easy to win or lose but it not really that big of a deal, b)make solo pvp boring by doing the same strat of spamming engi and no different strat, c)make progression wack by the amount of rewards you get and make the original mode for pvp useless(i am the 3rd place on the pvp leaderboard so i know that solo PvP is really not fun after ambush released)


"No single tower will win any game mode in WTD"
alr bet, I already have some ideas as of which towers can manage a solo


Ok, i have watched the video, i disagree a bit with the burdensome part, the mode is hard but if you are smart enough you can beat it quite easily also the game now is much begginer friendly before casual mode didnt even give you a trophy and there wasnt pvp so yeah the game is good but you need skill.
