1 Verse That Supports Calvinistic Reprobation

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Is reprobation biblical? If we take the doctrine of Reprobation as simply the view that God withholds His right to show mercy on sinners by passing over some to the display of His glorious righteousness and holiness (though judgment and punishment), then there are countless verses in Scripture which support this view.

Note that Reprobation is not equivalent to "double predestination" and there are different definitions for both from theologian to theologian. The basic question is, does the Bible (not our personal opinions) show us that God is demonstrated and exalted as holy through judging sinners and He freely reserves this right? Even Arminians have to answer this question and also consider the fact that God chooses to cast unbelievers into eternal hell. Calvinists and Arminians agree that God is merciless to those who end up in hell (yes unbelievers who have rejected Him) and He is incapable of doing any injustice. But do the Scriptures teach the concept of reprobation and God passing over certain individuals for His own glorious purposes? Are there verses which demonstrate what George Whitefield said, "If God is not glorified in your salvation, He will be glorified in your destruction"?

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Рекомендации по теме

People mocking the truth of the Bible from within the Church. Not a surprise. Jesus told us tares would be mixed with the wheat.


God doesn't need the creation to feel glorious that is why in the plurality of the godhead he is whole, in judgment day no one is going to say oh God I was not chosen


"If God is not glorified in your salvation, he will be glorified in your destruction. Scary thought but beautiful truth."
What a sick view. I bet if you were one of the ones God CHOSE not to save, you would be rejoicing in that "beautiful truth"!
