Do THIS when you see colours in meditation (or faces, shapes, places)

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I was trained in meditation 50 years ago and practiced for about 8 yrs before I had to stop due to family, keeping a house and working full time took up all my energy. Now that at least I'm retired from working and my children are well grown, I've begun meditating again. One of the first things that happened was just what is described here. Colors in moving patterns, faces, even a vision of myself at a much younger age sitting at a desk writing something. Then I remembered something, my teacher cautioned me because he said once you start to open your consciousness in this way, any number and sort of distraction will arise. Some good, some evil. It doesn't matter. It's all distraction. Emptying the mind of such distractions can be so challenging! The colors and their patterns can be quite bright and beautiful. The faces made me think they were my ancestors looking in on me from wherever their spirits are now. I felt the desire to stay in this state and to go there again the next time I meditated. It didn't take long for some very wicked entities to show their ugly faces and threatening intentions. That was when I recalled what my teacher told me all those years ago. As part of one's preparation, it's essential to let go of any current thoughts, emotions and concerns, to place them in your cupped hands and lift them up to the universe. Let it be. Let them pass through. Focus on complete 'nothingness, ' for increasingly longer periods of time. The more you do this, the more focused you can become in your daily life to do that which you know is right thought and right action toward others, all living beings and yourself. 🙏🙏🙏


I honestly think that I travel through portals during meditation because I will see a whole scene playing out like a movie. One time I closed my eyes as went into a ceremony where my inner child requested healing. Beautiful experience. The healing continues.


I always see a beautiful purple color that floats towards me and then shrinks to sparkling white. I am glad that you said that we can enjoy it, because I do, but then move on by focusing on the breath. Thank you for this valuable guidance. This is the first video I've seen of yours, and now will search for others that you have done. ♥️


I studied for years in a christian seminary. No one there could provide me insights that actually related to my experience, but you could. I'm so happy to have found your channel!


Last night I chose to listen to a channeled message from angels, via Ann Tucker. I closed my eyes, started the breathing and as she channeled I had visions that presented themselves before she described the process and message. The channeled descriptions where my visions even before she said them…as if I watch a movie and the voice over was delayed by a few second. Never had that happen, oh it was so joyful, humbling and peaceful. I’ also see faces, colors and geometric figures.
Blessings to all.🙏💕🕊


I see colours; moving mandalas; hear voices; joy in my heart; feel an intimate extension to my local environment. Love comes in, I add my love to that and send it out.


I don’t see much unusual imagery during meditation; however, I experience an odd phenomenon for the first 5-10 minutes upon lying down to sleep at night. I will see faces, images, and short fractionated “video clips”. When it is faces, they may be scary (like horror movie makeup/costumes) or they may be just normal people. They may also be cartoon like. These faces fly through my consciousness at about 3-4 per second. Far too fast to really process who or what I am seeing. It is very bizarre. Now when I see video type clips, they are also numerous, short, and they will usually overlay each other. Sometimes (far less often) I see super clear images of landscapes and I see these things in extremely high definition. While they appear clearer than what I see with my physical eyes, the duration of the vision is very brief; maybe 5-10 seconds or less before it switches to a different image. One thing that is very consistent is the absolute inability to maintain my focus on these images as they pass though. I have always been perplexed with what is going on with my mind when I’m ready to sleep. This has happened consistently for well over a decade now.


Wow, didn’t realize my ego was attached to the experience in my meditation. Didn’t realize I have to push beyond that wow 🌞


"Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy." --Plato


I see colors, faces, and demons at times. Archangel Michael even came through to me. I will take your advice and give thanks for the experience, but ask to go to the next higher level. Thank you!


I think these visual experiences are great markers showing your progression toward expanded conscious experience. When i start to see the visuals form i look at them but i also notice the expansion of my awareness. The peripheral vision/awareness of my mind opens up and the edges and depth expand. I might notice my body awareness start to vibrate at that point also. At the same time being pulled into unconscious sleep makes staying conscious difficult for me during this experience. I think Ben is doing a great job articulating these concepts. It's not easy trying to explain experience that is so far from normal waking life.


I always see colors, flashes, faces and animals. Never thought anything of it!


Wow I can't believe this popped in my feed. I'm just starting my meditation journey and had the face, shapes, lights all happen. It was awesome to the point where if it didn't happen the meditation wasn't effective in my mind. This is exactly what I needed to hear.


When I meditate I always see faces of beautiful women ive never seen before… then the next day I would see those women in real life. Like I will be standing in line at the store and feel something in me saying to turn around and a woman from meditation would be there smiling. I just smile back and walk away in amazement. Lol. I saw my higher self in my meditation before and that was a great experience. I feel I let go once I see them in reality.


I made it to the void many years ago. In that space, I saw a silver being who approached me. I felt euphoric. He made 'adjustments' to me when he said to some other being I couldn't see. I continued to meditate and have wonderful experiences until much later, when I had what felt like a racing/pounding heartbeat and a lifting sensation hitting the inner part of my skull. This, for whatever reason, had me setting aside meditation until this year. I've started nearly from scratch. 😅


Open to everything and attached to nothing!! Thank you!!! You are an amazing teacher and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us in such a relatable, simple, stick to the facts kinda way! It’s crazy how many questions of mine you’ve answered in just a few short videos!! Wishing you a beautiful


Thank you for your sharing!!! Helps a lot!!! Ok!!! I will focus on the ultimate truth!!!


I see full on scenes like watching a movie. I can see faces of people clearly as if a person is standing in front of me. Very detailed.


This channel is pure gold. You truly have a gift for teaching these things. I have been looking for something like this for years. I so appreciate you and your teachings!! Well done, sir. Thank you!


I recently started seeing faces and people move during meditation and thought it was just my mind refusing to quiet down in a different way. Watched your video on the phases of meditation and was amazed to find that it was actually a thing and meant I was evolving!
