Building Stronger Connections: An Influential Leader's Secret

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Building relationships is the key for getting your start-up and career off the ground.

Thank you to Steve Grace from @giveitanudge8220 for his amazing insights into start-ups in Australia, Dubai, UK, Singapore and the US, in his interview on Influential Leader podcast.

The Influential Leader podcast is where we speak to amazing leaders in their industry and discover what makes them tick, the challenges they have overcome and ask them to share their experience. Meet Influential Leader – Steve Grace the founder & CEO of The Nudge Group.

During this podcast you will discover topics:

Building relationships.
Hiring someone you've worked with in the past vs hiring your friends.
How start-up companies can grow in scale and revenue.
How the recruitment industry changed globally after covid.
Starting a start-up.
The transition from start-up to scaleup.
Transition into new markets as an employee and an organisation.
Balance the Grind.
Getting a product business started.
Building a product company is vastly different to service-based business.

Sarah Quote:
"With start-ups the first five people in the business can determine whether the business succeeds or not"

Steve Quote:
"If you have that ability to hire people you've worked with before, knowing how someone works, even if a different scenario, seeing how they react to different stresses. You can't buy that knowledge, It's just incredible.”

Steve is a hands-on CEO hiring talent for startups and gives insightful and meaningful advice for people who are growing a team rapidly for their start-up.



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