Array Functions in Javascript|15 Array functions in Javascript every developer must know

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#ArrayFunctions-in-Javascript #CoderCrab #JSArrayFunctions #Map #Slice #Splice

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Map vs Foreach
Slice vs Splice
Some vs Every
Filter vs Find

0:37 Filter
6:12 ForEach
9:23 Find
13:53 Some
18:13 Every
22:00 Map
25:50 Reduce
30:07 Slice
32:43 Splice
38:50 Push
39:49 Pop
40:11 Unshift
40:34 Shift
41:00 Include

1 - Filter (filters and returns new Array)
2 - Foreach (iterates)
3 - Find (Finds first occurence data and return the object)
4 - Some ( Atleast one element in the array satisfies the rule,Then returns true)
5 - Every ( All elements in the array satisfies the rule,Then returns true)
6 - Map (creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function)
7 - Reduce (Uses a callback function to calculate single value out of an Array)
8 - slice (Copies array to a new array with some of mentioned elements)
9 - splice (remove and add elements to an existing array)
10 - push (Add item to end of an array)
11 - pop (Remove item to end of an array)
12 - unshift (Add item to start of an array)
13 - shift (Remove item to end of an array)
14 - includes (check if element is present)
15 - split (split a string to array with a delimeter like , or $ etc)
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