For those looking to configure this, the configuration options for Dolby Atmos are only available if you are a subscriber to Apple Music and you are logged into the system.
I am on Monterey but I don't se the audio quality option
The background music alone makes this video awesome
What about Netflix and Amazon Prime. I have a multi channel digital audio converter and I have Netflix and Prime output 5.1 channel surround sound which I do DSP sound processing on, and send via USB to my 8 channel DAC using a Windows PC. Can I do that with an Apple Mac 4 mini. Everything I see indicates the Macs will only play the lo-fi browser feed which is only 2 channel and has no HDR rendering. Am I wrong or is there a way to do on a Mac what I've been doing on a Windows box for years?
I have installed the stable 12.0.1 on my Macbook air M1, and while connecting AirPods pro, still I am seeing the same grayed out like yours for spatial audio. Played some spatial audio music on Apple music, still no luck. Please guide...
Why my playback does not show all those settings? But rather a few. Could it because I don't have the music bought/license/subscribed to their service? I have macbook air M1
As of August, 2024 spatial audio is NOT available on the M3 MacBook Air .
As of March 1, 2022, spatial audio is NOT available on the M1 MacBook Air (macOS Monterey, version 12.2). Please do not mislead people.
There is no sound quality option on my mac!! even though I'm using lossless on my phone with the same account..?
i have updated my mac to the latest vesion today but there is no option in my mac i have 2020(intel macbook pro)
Could you show a video of how the Apple Music app runs on Macbook? Because the Spotify app runs flawless on any device, but the Apple Music app or website on PC look kinda unpolished and just lack features that Spotify has.
Lossless and similar options are not available on my iMac M1... unless I subscribe to Apple Music.
fro some reason my computer doesn't say preferences it sayas settings bt when i click on things they do nothing
Hi from japan.
Thank you for nice video!!
btw, if I have MacBook M1 Air, and AirPods max, Can I use dolby atmos??
I've using apple music now.
does this work on the apple m1 chips too? :)
Why is it when i plug my airpod max into my mac the spatial audio option disappears. Wow i just wasted £35 on apple 3.5mm jack
Does the 13” MBP support head tracking spatial audio with AirPods Pro? Like on Apple TV with iPhone?
Do I need to have a supported device for the audio quality to show up? It's not showing that for me.
I just stated to watch this video and spatial audio started working automatically lol :DDD
Thanks, whats the best setting ? dont know the difference with Atmos Lossless and Spatial, whats the best ? I google it, but I dont understand the differnce