Why Nobody Wants To Be A Jehovah's Witness Anymore!

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A deep dive into why people are losing their love of Watchtower



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exjw ex jehovah's Witness Former Pioneer Former Ministerial Servant Former Elder Watchtower Cult governing body update
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It’s so bad, that my husband, who is in the service at this very moment, didn’t know that the Awake is published only once a month. Talk about asleep


My son was born premature and required a blood transfusion to survive. When he was old enough, I took him into the office and a JW who worked there told me he was an abomination and I shouldn't have made that decision. I went off. HR got involved. She was heavily reprimanded and sent home. The entire situation was bizarre. My son is now grown and living the career of his dreams. Imagine if I had cut off his life.


First time parent here, child due in March. Currently I am being shunned by my family and I cannot comprehend how JWs treat their children as disposable sacrifices. I texted my mom about my baby, but no answer from her, or any of my family. Truly this cult is one of hate and death.


The pandemic was the worst thing to ever happen to JW’s. Once they realized how nice it is to have free time, it was the beginning of the end. I guarantee the majority of them were depressed when they opened the Kingdom Halls again.


As a trauma ICU nurse for many years, I saw a beautiful 17 year old boy die after an auto accident because his family denied him blood transfusion. It was horrifying. May he rest in peace.


Im am diagnosed bipolar and so many times the jw sense of urgency that the end is near has played into my psychotic episodes I am truly traumatized down to my core!!


Putting religion before your child's health is fu&ked up.


As a former JW, I feel like the belief that you could see your loved ones again is really nice. I think it would be nice to be living in a world where you don’t have to worry about violence or sickness. However, the mental toll it takes to be an active Witness with all of the unnecessary rules is just not healthy. It’s also such a damaging religion when it comes to disfellowshipping. So much sadness and depression. That’s without getting into the sexual abuse that takes place. A bunch of old men in New York telling you how to live your life is just ridiculous. The failed predictions that the organization wants to keep hidden from its members-understandably so. It seems harmless on the outside. But only those that have been a part of the organization for any extended period of time know how toxic it is.


I am not a JW and never was, however I took JW Bible lessons in 1974. The guys teaching me said that the Second Coming was going to happen in the next year or two. I asked what he would do if it didn't happen by 1976 or 1977, and they said that I wouldn't bother them because being a year or two off didn't matter. I asked if they would stop being a JW if the Second Coming didn't happen by 1980, and they said that it just wasn't a possibility, so it was a question they would never have to answer.

I always have wondered what those guys did as the 80s and 90s and 2000s rolled by.


To leave you have to admit TO YOURSELF that you were wrong, no one likes to admit that, or the years they wasted. Imagine how that couple would feel that lost their child to leukemia to then leave. I left.


Sadly both my parents lost their lives due to their JW beliefs. I believe this organization will have to answer to God for the damage they have caused to their followers


I just learned the congregation I attended for years here in Virginia is being dissolved / poop canned. For me in my little world this is big good news


My entire family was born into it, as far back as great grandparents. So I’ve had A LOT of family that spent their whole lives waiting for Armageddon. In fact, I just googled my sisters name, at it popped up as deceased ( she was 85) No one informed me of her death, so it was really shocking.. I’ve been shunned for 26 years for leaving, so no contact from any family! What a waste 😢🥴🥺


My sister is a JW and no one else in our family is. She was pulled in when she was left with an empty nest (my nephew left for college) in a new state/region where no one else she knew lived (suburbs of Atlanta). She has not been able to convert anyone else in our family and she now lives near us all in MD/DC. We (me, mom, dad, nephew, his wife and child) are about to have Thanksgiving together, and of course my sister is missing out on this nice time with family (including her one and only grandchild) because of this cult/religion. SMH


It seems the pandemic woke a lot of people up from watchtower


A sister told her circle of acquaintances that she was pregnant. The other sisters told her that the end is to near. That sister was my grandmother - the child tthat she had is now a


it's the sunk cost fallacy in action. They've spent so much of their lives, sacrificed so much, even lost loved ones over it, they can't admit to themselves that they got duped and wasted so much


Every day is a great day not to be in a cult. ❤️


My mother shunned myself and my children (her only two grandchildren) when I left. I’m not even disfellowshipped and yet was still treated exactly the same. I’m sure she was ashamed of me as she was a very proud 2 generation witness. I became a reminder that she was a failure as a parent in the congregations eyes, so it was easier to cut me off. That was 10 years ago. She’s passed away now, and died with her grandchildren alienated from her by her own hand. It still astounds me.


My friend comes from JW family where he was never loved, and constantly ridiculed for being Gay. Its a shame how many families this religion has destroyed.
