How To Make Mouse Using Arduino Leonardo Full Tutorial | [DIY] Mouse Using Arduino| Experimentalist

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In this video, we will see how to make a mouse using Arduino Leonardo. in this project I use an MPU6050 gyroscope sensor, which helps to move the mouse cursor. and I also add two buttons of the mouse left, right buttons.

go to these time, for ease:-

00:00 - 00:54 - introduction & explain
00:54 - 01:26 - parts
01:26 - 04:54 - construction
04:54 - 08:13 - code
08:13 - 10:33 - working
10:33 - 10:53 - end

for code go to my GitHub account link is below:-

#arduinoleonardo #arduino #arduinomouse #mouse #arduinouno #automation #innovation#Experimentalist #solartracker #greenenergy #solarenergy #engineering#electronicsengineering #electrical #computerscienceengineering #electronics

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Рекомендации по теме

Esse projeto daria para acrescentar mais algumas teclas? Como por exemplo Backspace e Enter?


if i connect this arduino (after flashing the program) with another computer will this work on that computer too?


I have done the same setup and steps done by you in the video and after rebooting it also says hello but pi can't hear my voice
The mic I used is same as you used in the video
Pls help
