No one can keep the Law? #shorts

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Teachings by Rabbi Mordecai Griffin, Lapid Judaism, Saginaw, TX

Our goal is to shine the light on truth of the REAL Messiah and TRUE Gospel of Yeshua. We seek to highlight the heresy and falsehood of Paul's false "gospel".
#truthsoflife #jewishlearning #facts #truthbomb #falsereligion

Lapid seeks to introduce people to the REAL Gospel of the REAL Messiah Yeshua. We reject the false christ “jesus”, the false religion of Christianity, the heretical teachings of Paul and the pagan gentile church. We reject the notion of a “messianic gentile” or that the uncircumcised gentiles have replaced Israel. Yeshua is the King of the Jews. Therefore, to be truly saved one must become a Jew. We promote the Holy Torah (Law of Moses) and the Jewish faith of the Messiah. Yeshua said that He was the "way" to life! This is the true beit haderekh (house of the way) for anyone seeking the real gospel!

To donate, please text to give: (817) 854-1613 #rabbigriffin

Baruch HaShem, may the Ahavat Ammi (Love for my people) grow. We forever give praise and thanks to HaShem Who has given us Yeshua (ישוע), the Rock of our lives (Tzur Chayeinu / צור חיינו), He is the Messiah (Moshiach / משיח) of Israel!! We very much appreciate the important work of Rabbi Tovia Singer, of Outreach Judaism, and specifically his revealing of the deceptions of Paul who was a false apostle. #rabbitoviasinger ~ This is the true beit haderekh for anyone seeking the real gospel! NOTE: the gentile messianic (christian) pastor, Ben Burton, of Ladder of Jacob, STRONGLY objects to this movement and wishes you to FLEE! His two main issues are (1) We say that Paul is a heretic and Ben....being a Christian, has his entire religious world view based on Paul and (2) He does not want gentiles to become Jews...because he, himself, is a gentile.
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Thank you for expressing this truth. I'm pretty sure I have heard you say it before, but when I have been told the lie so many, many times, it just plain old feels good to hear the truth.


The lame anti torah, christian responses are so bitterly ignorant. It's almost as if they're jealous, looking from the outside in. Christians, do you want to know what it looks like to follow the law? And keep the festivals? You're in the right place! I was never taught how to do this as a Christian, but as a Jew I am taught everyday. Yes we can keep the law. Do we do it perfectly? Probably not but most times it is accidental or being unaware. The commandments we know we do our best to do and as for me, the ones I know I don't selfishly disobey intentionally. It's a wonderful, wonderful, fulfilling life that only comes from knowing hashem and keeping his Torah. Well done Lapid! Well done Rabbi!!!❤


How could The Creator tell us to do things that would be impossible to do? Ridiculous cop out for churchianity.


Hit the mark and Love learned then keeping the law is a reflection of that Love. Yes God Loves us. is forgiveness with this target practice until we hit the mark. No forgiveness before without blood. You have many on slippery sloop. Be very careful. The price is high. Keeping the law of Moses is very good and correct in the formal education of the Holy Spirit in God's Truth. Truth is reality.


Baruch 3-37. Nothing is impossible with God. The Ancient Paths of Jeremiah 6-16 is the dialogue of Catherine of Seina! Walk in it and find rest for your soul. Who are the children of God? They call themselves the saints! The obedient. What do you think the disobedience that closed heaven for Adam and Eve will open it for you? God doesn’t change. Malachi 3-6.


What about acts 15:5-11, how is this interpreted?
