there is one thing you can't dodge with Lifeweaver, her eye contact
Therapist: aspen staring is not scary
Aspen staring into my soul:
for anyone asking this is the new overwatch 2 hero lifeweaver
A trick I found out today; if your dva misses her bomb, platform it up and break the platform before it explodes
Had a lifeweaver in low LOW elo, react to my surprise shatter with a flower and save four out of four shattered targets with one petal. I put my controller down, typed “amazing play!” then went to get my 30 second ult back
Ty Aspen!!! You’re one of top OW cc’s ❤️
you can lift the orisa when she is alting and completely nullify her. better than just saving your self.
Hitting that petal under an Orisa ult and saving your team gives me such a sense of accomplishment 😂
Its been many years since ive seen aspen, its good to see her again she looks great 😊
Made jay3s video seem long and stupid lol. Quick and concise great vid
27:30 this used to be the key to sombra in OW1. Be in VC to make callouts for stuff like warning you’re gonna EMP or whatever but have the volume of your teammates turned to zero so you can’t hear them at all lmao
I love platforming ulting Orisa's, gravs, and my teammates who get shattered. It's also super satisfying blocking the enemy Rein with my tree after he ults
It's very hard to do while in the heat of battle so it might take some practice
There are so many more ways to block the ults with the pedal. Like you can LOS Orissa, dva, and mei’s snowball by platforming them and jumping off yourself so you’re under it. All of them have a decent window but Dva bomb would be the riskiest I think.
her:😊*telling tips*
also her:*cutely stares into ur soul 😀
but actually awesome tips ty aspen 💞
Im glad im getting this NOW on my feed, i hope life weaver is good!
one thing that i like to do if there aren’t any allie’s too far away, is to platform enemy bob’s up and then get right under the petal. he ends up just expiring before he ever gets back down.
You can also block: Cass with tree
Pharah with tree, mei with tree, spawn doors with tree, ball with platform and tree, etc
Thanks for these tips because I wanted to get better at using him
I love lifting up Winston's bubble with the petal platform