Exposing The Deception of the Gospel Music Industry - Paul Washer

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Exposing The Deception of the Gospel Music Industry, Paul Washer talks about the false worship happening in many Churches and Christian gathering, Gino Jennings talks about the falsehood in the Christian music Industry which is focusing on sales rather than the souls.


Galatians 1:8: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse."
2 Timothy 4:3: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine..."
Matthew 24:24: "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."

Let's be a church that values truth over trends, and doctrine over dazzle.

I agree, the deception is so prominent


There are different expressions of worship. However, if the "worship" doesn't point and lead you toward God is it really worship?


My late grandfather said to me Lord have mercy on me. The Late Marvin Gaye said 53 years ago What's Going On.


It’s like all these rappers in R&B singers, who got rejected in the music industry when ahead, and just tried their hand at gospel 🤦‍♂️


3:20 We don't do that anymore, do we? Now it is in fact about flashy lights and the singer taking attention for themselves.


The error comes from the wrong understanding of what *worship is all about* . Whether it is contemporary gospel music or dance and music centered shows or even hymns, it should be called by its proper name; *Praise and Thanks Giving* rather than worship. *Worship is done entirely by living, not by singing* . If our singing is then worthy of God, it is exclusively because our worship of God is worthy of His Word.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, *which is your spiritual worship* . (Romans 12:1)


This is very true and I hope many who are in the world yet and are deceived by it will come to the knowledge of the truth which is only in Jesus Christ our Lord. What is very hard on my heart to say is that this deception in very “in the face” but Jesus speaks about a deception that even the elect could be deceived. I have heard/seen called Christian music and they have normal clothes on and the music and the lyrics seems to be very okay. Especially compared with the music and performance in the video. Compared with that many will be deceived by the music which seems to be okay. Satan comes as an Angel of light. The deception we are to be aware of will not be in our face easy to see, but only with the Holy Spirit inside us we are able to regonize the lie from the truth because He only is The Truth.


When we worship it’s all about God not us or what God did for you for us. Sings or dance that glory God not us because He’s almighty God the one who saves us.


Hey Brother just a warning about Pastor Jennings. He denies the doctrine of the Trinity and should not be promoted in any way . WIth love In Christ, Luke.


You better leave that man alone before something really bad happened to you from God


"...even now many antichrists have come..." 1 John 2:18
