Adele's NEW LOOK: When Plastic Surgery Is Disguised As Weight Loss

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Adele needs no introduction as one of the most famous singers of our time. Adele is known for her beautiful voice, and today we will look at her natural beauty traits and discuss some major changes that the star has undergone in recent times. This is going to be a very interesting video, so please stay watching through to the end.

In this video, I’ll be talking about Adele’s weight loss and if you find this type of content triggering please skip to the time stamp I post here.

Remember this is only my opinion and if you’re watching this video that’s what you came here for; hateful comments will be deleted and the user banned.

Adele’s natural beauty traits are stunning long teal eyes, nice skin, and thick hair. Because Adele really became famous in 2008, that is when we first have a lot of photos of her and how she looked.

We start off by looking at what Adele may have done first. I believe she may have had a subtle blepharoplasty done. This is evidenced by the changes we see, as shown in the video, of her upper eyelid. There are some pictures that even show the typical signs of a post blepharoplasty, with puffiness and redness. Next up is some changes that were thanks to a similar photo one year later with almost the same lighting and angle. This photo allows us to see some changes to her nose. It causes her face to look thinner and more refined. As we look through photos, we can see her nose getting more and more refined. This is common with a lot of celebs, to get small changes done, so that nobody notices unless they study the face over a long time. In 2015 there was a dramatic change on her neck. She looks more youthful and tighter in the neck.

Fast forward to closer to now, we can also see that she had some fat removal in her jawline, had some possible jaw filler, something like Radiesse. We then see that she removed her chin cleft, and gotten some skin tightening treatment. We then look at her eyebrows where we detect a change, some color, botox, and more. There are people claiming she now looks like a kardashian because of her eyebrows, which she achieved with a similar browlift that the kar/jenner family gets. I then look at Adele’s teeth, and, see nothing besides some possible minor work done to even out her teeth. She could also get some

Recently, Adele has lost over 100 lbs, and this caused a major stir, as she has been relatively larger during her whole career, and people were amazed at her progress. This loss of fat was of course able to make some changes on her face and how it looks. I go over those in the video. She is young enough to lose weight and have the skin get back to the right size to compensate for the weight loss. She did not necessarily need to have plastic surgery to get a lot of the changes we saw, losing 100 lbs can do that. But she also did get some plastic surgeries done which flew under the radar due to more easily explainable excuses.

As to a possible weight loss surgery, Adele has struggled with weight her whole life, and to suddenly lose 100 lbs, would point toward surgery. I have spoken with multiple plastic surgeons, who all agree. While it is likely that she has surgery, she also has worked very hard on diet and exercise and there is no physical evidence that shows that she got it, so we won't add it to her overall price list. There is some possibility of some liposuction to her legs, waist, and tummy, that we see from her figure shots in the video.

About Adele:

Adele is famous around the world for her gripping songs and powerful range of voice. She sends shivers down my spine with how good she sings. She has broken many records and topped many charts in her career so far. Her newest album, 30, is already on track to do amazingly well. Adele was born in London, England, may 5th, 1988. She is currently 33 years old, divorced, and has 1 child. Adele is currently worth over $200 million dollars from all her tours, album sales, royalties, merchandise, appearances, brand deals, and more. Adele made tens of millions of dollars passively while she was on a career hiatus, just because of the sheer staying power of her music.

Please know that although I have a very informed opinion based on my own experience I am not an EXPERT or a Doctor. Please visit a plastic surgeon for medical advice.

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Honestly, skin tightening or removal surgery shouldn’t be frowned upon. I mean come on, if a person dedicates months and years to lose significant amount of weight, they shouldn’t be punished by loose skin.


I think Adele looks so beautiful. I think she's a perfect example of what, to me, plastic surgery should be about: enhancing your natural traits and resolving small things that bother you, not to chance your looks completely or follow a trend. I personally love that she still looks her age, she's looks beautifully mature to me. You don't need to erase every wrinkle to be beautiful


Your channel has opened up my eyes more than any blepharoplasty ever could.


I think Adele is by far my favourite transformation. She looks stunning and it's so obvious that the surgery she has was pretty minimal compared to other celebs. Amazing work.


She looks great. I like how she didn’t go for “perfection” and left some natural features. She just did some smart tweaking. I think she did a great job and really is stunning.


Tbh, until I discovered this channel I thought most celebrities only got lip fillers. Thank you Lorry Hill for helping with body dysmorphia


“Or their features just spontaneously changed one day” *smirk* savage! Lorry, telling it like it is and so kind. And about Adele, she’s always been a beauty and now even more, good for her!


Crazy how different she looks from her younger self. Not only the plastic surgery but also her general style


Every time I watch these videos it blows my mind how much work these celebs get done without us noticing. I don’t understand why they don’t talk about it. Imagine how much better all of us women and especially teens would feel if we knew how much work truly goes into making someone look like this. I’m sick of comparing myself to someone like this. I get Botox and that’s all I can afford to do. I would get more if I could and I tell everyone I’ve had Botox. I don’t get the constant denial


I was surprised when Adele said she’d lost 100 lbs. I never thought she had that much extra weight. She looks beautiful & has been blessed with such an angelic voice. I saw her in concert & she is really very funny & warm.


Obviously she needed skin tightening, nothing wrong with that. I lost 100 pounds myself and definitely wish I had that, not to mention it leaves you with a pooch of stubborn leftover tummy fat that is hard to leave. I love everything shes had done it makes sense! Not overdone at all.


Thank you for telling the truth Lorry. I had sleeve surgery and lost 70lbs in 8 months. As soon as I saw her I knew she had a sleeve combined with a “mommy’ makeover; abdominoplasty, breast lift, fat transfer, and leg surgery


As someone who lost 100lbs. Sometimes surgery is required to look normal after weight loss. Especially if you have excess skin. This includes face lifts, skin removal from the arms, legs, stomach, back, and buttocks. As well as a tummy tuck. All of these things are done to let the person feel normal after all their hard work. And is not a substitute for weight loss.
It cam be very dis heartening to lose all that weight and still not be able to wear certain clothes or swim wear.

Anyways, try not to be too judgemental on ALL of the work done. Some is. Necessary.


I always find it hilarious when people say "your face can really change when you lose weight." Yes, true, but it can't change bones, and so much more. She's has GREAT work done, good for her, but it's NOT all due to weight loss.


I really enjoy this channel because the purpose isn’t to create drama or shame plastic surgery, just to inform people about how common it is for these public figures to get work done which I think is pretty important!


I think it’s safe to assume that every celebrity had cosmetic surgery/minor tweaks✨


Khadija and Lorry collabing?!?!? This is the collab I didn't know I needed!!!! Can't wait to see what you'll be doing!!!


*Adele has a perfect shape* . She's a fantastic illustration of what, in my opinion, plastic surgery should be about: complementing your natural features and correcting minor issues, not risking your appearance or following a trend. I think it's wonderful that she still looks her age; she appears to be very mature to me. To be beautiful, you don't have to get rid of every wrinkle.


I always thought Adele was a lot older. I was very surprised to learn her age. But this has nothing to do with wrinkles or whatnot, shes always looked older to me. You can have lines & wrinkles & still look younger than your age due to more baby faced features. Some people just have those type of faces/features that look older.

Shes beautiful! I especially love the way she does her makeup & hair. Very glam & suits her perfectly!
Also seems like she made the right decisons on which procedures to get done & doesnt go overboard!


Props to Lorry for always sticking to facts and not getting swayed or intimidated by rabid "fans." You are one brave lady! Excellent video as always.
