Authentic Photograph of JESUS Christ. Evidence Based Characteristics Shroud Of Turin Myths Debunked

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In this episode, Dr. Sule Prince and Dale Glover discuss whether there is any evidence to substantiate the claim that the Shroud of Turin bears the image of Christ.


Dale Glover -Founder of Real Seeker Ministries @Real Seekers
Rev. Dr. Sule Prince, BRE, MTS, D.MIN


What research did you do on this topic and who were the scholars that helped you come to the position that you hold today?

What is the Shroud of Turin and why is it important?

Why do you think when we have arguments for the historical Jesus and the resurrection that the argument for the Shroud is never one of those arguments to show that the resurrection is true?

You've invented the "Minimal Relevant Features Approach" to studying the Shroud, can you explain what that means?

When would you use the controversial fact about the Shroud?

What are some of the characteristics of the Shroud's images which make it so remarkable?

Skeptics claim that the Shroud is just a medieval artwork of some kind, is that true?

Couldn't the Shroud have been formed naturally via the body being wrapped in the cloth? If not, then how did the images form?

What about the dating of the Shroud, wasn't the Shroud C-14 dated to the medieval period? And is that a concern for us that the dating is so late?

When it comes to this image, why do we want to assume it’s Jesus and not somebody else?

What about the D'Arcy Memorandum, didn't some medieval Bishop say an inquiry proved the Shroud was painted by an artist in the 1350's?

What is the height of the individual on the Shroud?

Is there any concern that the person on the Shroud has long hair and long Caucasian?

If the bible speaks against men having long hair and we see in history that the Jews had long hair, how do we reconcile that difference?

Where there Jews with blonde hair?

Concerning Jesus’ characteristics, is there anything else we could add on?

Is it true that they found the head wrap in another location than the Shroud?

What is the significance of the followers of Jesus hold on to the linen clothe and head wrapping?

If we were to sum up the proof for the Shroud, what would you say are the major points for the Shroud?
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