We Finally Know The Truth... / One Piece Chapter 1115 Spoilers

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We Finally Know The Truth... / One Piece Chapter 1115 Spoilers

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You say “we already knew, ” but this is the first time we’re getting actual confirmation of a lot of this stuff. It’s all been assumed or hinted at, but this is the definitive proof..


This is a Confirmation Chapter meaning that All the info we “know” is being canonized and officiallized


I’m gonna have a hot take on this and say Vegapunk is probably right. The ideas in play during the void century are probably freedom (anarchy) vs. order (government). And looking at the after effects, yeah, the government has really shat the bed. But, looking at things from a purely hypothetical, these two base ideas don’t have a clear winner. Pure freedom could easily lead to chaos and all kinds of bad things. You risk creating that kind of Darwinistic social order where the strong take from the weak without any kind of punishment or accountability. Order also has lead to slavery and oppression. I think he’s saying that they both could have led to good outcomes and they both could lead to bad outcomes. It’s just that we are Monday morning quarterbacking after seeing how awful the World Government is.


The red line is meant to be in space. Orbiting the planet. Space suits. Lunairans surviving in any environment. Crashed down and raised the water level 200 meters

Look at the design of egg head itself. That's the one piece world


The void century being Joy Boys lifetime makes a lot of sense, so that doesn't surprise me at all.


I heard from a guy on Reddit who stated maybe the ideas fought over in the Void Century was one side wanted every kingdom to govern themselves and have freedom while the other side wanted every nation to come together to form a world government for unity. That’s why Vegapunk can’t say for certain who was right or wrong.


The current condition of the world might not be the intention back in the void century. Thus vegapunk can't decide. Nothing is black and white in the story of one piece as we've seen until now.


Zhoniin: For an intelligent guy Vegapunk is not that intelligent

Me: At the beginning of this Vegapunk stated that he has plenty of theories and that aren’t supported but what he is doing is giving people all the supported information. In other words this isn’t about how smart Vegapunk is this is because this is just facts that Vegapunk found on his own. If we use this as a way to call Vegapunk stupid than than we ourselves would also be stupid because we are using our own theories and afformations rather than considering supported information for example there was never a confirmation that Joyboy and Nika was the same person neither was there confirmation that Joyboy was actually the first pirate because all we knew about Joyboy was just that he ate the Nika fruit and that he himself commited a grave sin that affected Fishman Island somehow since he gave them the Noah.


Joy boy left the ancient kingdom to become a pirate, it’s possible that the ancient kingdom wasn’t the ideal ruler either


4:34 We can’t say that the Seraphim are on the Gorosei’s side because earlier we saw that Seraphim do have shreds of their original’s personality as well because the Boa seraphim had a crush on Luffy much like the original did have and Jimbei stated as much when he saw it too.


Lilith will be the only vegapunk that’ll make it off egghead


I really gotta catch up, I’ve been following your channel since Gear 5 came out in japan and you got me into One Piece. I’m about halfway through Punk Hazard so I gotta hurry up before we learn what the One Piece actually is.


Can we also think about how not every pirate aren't like the straw hats and believe in freedom.


He really downplays the battle of ideas. We have no proof that joyboy and his people were saints or that the celestial dragon's ideals are as twisted as they are now 1000 years later.


We knew it but the civilians of one piece didn't know it. Big difference


Sayin oden died like a punk I’d a disgrace to everything he stood for. Absolutely disrespectful


Why are you always so unsure I hate it man. “ I meannn maybeeee idkkk “ love the spoilers I legit cannot stand you tho Lmao


Literally the first video I see when I opened YouTube on lunch, this is my podcast now


Dawn&Dusk predicted in Nami's video that there once was a huge continent!


Here let me dumb down what Vega punk was saying.... Its going to take more words this way though. Either side could have been right or wrong freedom or order. just because the world government took the idea of order too far does not mean it was a bad idea it just means they took it too damn far. Its okay to have rules and to enforce those rules but not at the expense of a persons liberty and freedom. The same can be said of freedom, when taken too far you have anarchy and chaos which is also a bad but freedom itself is still a good thing. either side could have been right to some degree but in reality neither is right and the correct answer is a balanced system which doesn't actually exist even in make believe pirate land but if you really want to analyze the argument look no further than communism vs capitalism as its the same arguments. Communist give up all freedom for absolute order while capitalist give up the safety of order in favor of the freedom to act. Both systems are deeply flawed as communism strips away individuality and capitalism strips away community bonds. The real question is which is more important to you, is it to be yourself or to ne like and have the acceptance of those around you?
