PoE 3.25 Settlers - Absolution of Inspiring Low Life Mines Trickster - T17 Showcase

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my meme build to end the league

The goal of this build is to play something cool while making use of Trickster's defenses (before it probably gets nerfed next league). While trying out random skill gems, I saw Absolution's visuals and instantly decided to try it out as mines. Because of Absolution's mechanics, it seemed interesting to try an alternative method of scaling damage as a mine build.

The build deals around ~14M damage and can do T17s and Ubers (carefully), but it's fairly squishy despite being a Trickster, especially to physical damage.

I tried out lots of different PoBs (lifestacking, CI, even attempting Necro and Guardian mines, but I have no idea how to make spectres tanky enough for a build like this) and settled on a low life version that is enabled by Tides of Time and a 100% uptime Coruscating Elixir.

Because Absolution of Inspiring has a built-in giga Spiritual Aid buff, we make use of a minion damage Elegant Hubris (each minion damage node gives a whopping 245% increased damage!) and a cluster jewel to scale most of our damage. We benefit from lowlife by Pain Attunement and being able to fit in Wrath while not losing our defensive auras. Then we just fit in as much crit as we can, unfortunately the build still has rather low crit chance.

Our defensive layers are a decent amount of energy shield + spell suppression + Spell Breaker + Wicked Ward combo. We make use of Tides of Time to permanently sustain a tri ele-flask setup for max-res. Coruscating Elixir allows us to go low-life without the need for Shavs. This flask setup is sustained by making use of flask effect duration tattoos, which we can freely add thanks to Supreme Ostentation.

The loss of Ghost Dance because of Elegant Hubris is a big defensive issue, and trying to rework the build to fit in a Skin of the Lords with Ghost Dance gives us slightly more damage, but makes us lose too much evasion and energy shield.

I self-crafted most of the gear for around 100-120 divines. Definitely not worth the cost, I've seen this skill used with Doryani and it's better to scale the build that way. I didn't use it because I don't like being weak to lightning DoTs.
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