The fact that they didnt make the goofy face at the end like Crash Broke my heart. TheVeryAngryShrimp
The fact that they didnt make the goofy face at the end like Crash Broke my heart.
the best thing is that they chose the original version ignacho
the best thing is that they chose the original version
The good thing is that I am supporting the real channel and not world scene, who just re-uploads your content. av
The good thing is that I am supporting the real channel and not world scene, who just re-uploads your content.
You perfectly captured the jankyness of the original dance theworldsgreatestjidiot
You perfectly captured the jankyness of the original dance
OMG SO MANY MEMORIES! ❤️ I'm about to cry. rainnmoon
OMG SO MANY MEMORIES! ❤️ I'm about to cry.
The lack of emotional expressions makes this feel confrontational Zcumgod
The lack of emotional expressions makes this feel confrontational
Your mastery of the human body's movement is impressive! junkapopo
Your mastery of the human body's movement is impressive!
WOAH! *spins* *jumps on TNT* BOM BOM BOMBOMBOMB-B-B BOOM! *ghost form floats off into heaven* tjwwe
WOAH! *spins* *jumps on TNT* BOM BOM BOMBOMBOMB-B-B BOOM! *ghost form floats off into heaven*
Yo I love you guys you pulled off the Crash dance so perfect. You guys should be in a movie or something shonya
Yo I love you guys you pulled off the Crash dance so perfect. You guys should be in a movie or something
yea, I have crush on both of them <3 mikestarcorp
yea, I have crush on both of them <3
Stress relieved!! Thank you guys..god bless you ❤️❤️🇵🇭 titoambin
Stress relieved!! Thank you guys..god bless you ❤️❤️🇵🇭
I really want to see an outtakes video because I know you guys crack each other up ALL THE TIME HumanParaquat
I really want to see an outtakes video because I know you guys crack each other up ALL THE TIME
Wow brings back so many good memories from childhood u guys are awese rcelski
Wow brings back so many good memories from childhood u guys are awese
I just realised that you guys are polish, love you develer
I just realised that you guys are polish, love you
Such majestic moves. I have never witnessed so much grace and elegancy in so little time. Rihcterwilker
Such majestic moves. I have never witnessed so much grace and elegancy in so little time.
Excellent merci j'avais oublié cette chorégraphie 👍👍 bungie
Excellent merci j'avais oublié cette chorégraphie 👍👍
Dam... Thats my childhood game, thank for reminding, very nostalgatic, wht a fun game, wht a fun time bangdjapoet-tanamikan
Dam... Thats my childhood game, thank for reminding, very nostalgatic, wht a fun game, wht a fun time
I used to be a fan of yours but after this dance now I'm the complete cooler system... felipepp
I used to be a fan of yours but after this dance now I'm the complete cooler system...
Ahahahahaha UGUALE!!!! complimenti! 😂❤️ giongion
Ahahahahaha UGUALE!!!! complimenti! 😂❤️
Congratzz on 7k subs!! A lot more coming in😁 anuragpotter
Congratzz on 7k subs!! A lot more coming in😁