2021 Ontario Diagnostic Days Episode 7r Managing Plant Disease and Fertility

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Managing Plant Disease and Crop Fertility

1. Cereal Fungicides - Joanna Follings, OMAFRA and Peter Johnson, RealAg
2. Tar Spot in Corn - Albert Tenuta, OMAFRA
3. Soybean Staging and Fertility - Matt Rundle, NK Seeds and Horst Bohner, OMAFRA
4. Corn Fertility Late Season - Ben Rosser and Duncan Willemse, OMAFRA
5. Lodging Wheat and PGR's - Joanna Follings, OMAFRA and Peter Johnson, RealAg
6. Pros and Cons of Double Crop Soybeans  - Dave Hooker, UG and Horst Bohner, OMAFRA
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It is not logically towards known and documented biology, chemistry or agronomically (agronomy is here used in the sense of being the true knowledge of soil) possible to understand how you are thinking here. On the one side you are talking about the biome and biological life in the soil as key factor whilst you on the other hand are doing your very best to kill t by using fertilizer-salts, pesticides and as far as I understand tilling and heavy machinery. This is like trying to bake a cake thinking that you will provide for good yeast conditions, but at the same time adding so much salt so the yeast dies - and then still believe that the cake will rise! The trouble is that your soil is not telling you what's wrong because the salt you are adding is in your situation soluble salts that replace the produce of a well-functioning soil biome. The truth is that if you follow Gabe B, Joe S, Ray A. Christine B, and all the others showing you had to do this right - you can sell your plough, the big tractor, stop buying unnecessary lime, fertilizer, pesticides and all the fuel to drive an spread this around killing everything - and also save time!
I am sorry, and I do not wish to be rude, and still i cannot help thinking: What on earth is wrong with your mindset?? How do you really think our kids are going to survive her on earth if you keep on killing and polluting and at the same time producing low nutritious food?? Why do you not use your channel to be a game changer and help farmers and others out of despair, the way to bankruptcy and suicide – stop promoting the old destructive ag-ways proven to be on collision course with nature and start working WITH her.
