My First Day As A Doctor! | UK Junior Doctor Vlog

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That time has come ladies and gents - here's exactly what went down during my first day (my first few days actually) as a junior doctor working in the NHS!

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As someone who’s finished F1, regarding breaks - you eventually learn that you need to take them - it’s hard at first because you just want to get on with your jobs list and finish it…but that never happens.
You often have to coordinate with your colleagues so someone’s contactable during your break and you don’t have to keep answering the phone in between bites.
The late finishes don’t really get much better unfortunately but do your best, take your time and use your breaks wisely. You’re meant to have half an hour break every four hours.

Don’t be afraid to rest. It’s hard to switch off but you need it! You can do this!


Hats off to you Ollie. It really sounds like a challenging first few days. The worst bit is out the way now, soon you’ll know how the systems work and you’ll get your flow, I’m sure. Keep smiling x


You're doing alright man. Personally looking forward to how the academia part of the programme goes.

Have stuff like water, veg sticks and gorp on hand. You can stuff those down your gob quickly with keeping yourself pretty satiated throughout the day while it being decently nutritious. Getting used to fasting worked well to get used to the lack of lunch breaks. Try to fiercely protect some time to get some food down the gob and have a quick toilet break when you can.

Ime med is a lot like when I played and practiced sports. We have good games and bad games, sometimes it's your fault and sometimes there's nothing else you could've done. But at the end of the day, take a break during the down time and break it down via play by play. After that it's a reset as you move into a new game and it's game on. You're doing good man.


Just found your channel and I'm loving it so far. Been a nurse for years and sometimes we become jaded overtime with the NHS as an institution, this really is helpful to keep in mind what our junior Drs go through as sometimes we only see them for very short periods of time and we can't speak to them to help build that team environment that we all need.


Your role as a doctor will evolve, remember that by and large the responsibility flows upwards - ie as long as your seniors know about a situation they are responsible. Not you. Once you are a consultant you will recognise medical patterns quickly and easily.


Its interesting to note that regardless of where you work in the world, much of the hierarchy/work in medicine is the same especially for junior doctors. Early in my career, I too often felt that much of the work was more clerical in nature and could only later appreciate the reason behind it when it became apparent that subconsciously I had learnt a lot more about treatments through the filework than I would have reading through any textbook instead.


Years from now you can show this Vid to a Junior Dr. This will encourage them! You explained what it’s like very well. You will go on to be a Brilliant Doctor 👨‍⚕️


somehow stumbled upon your channel on my recommended. just wanted to say congrats on starting your career as a doctor and good luck with your rotations! you'll get faster gradually and each task wont take as long, so more time for lunch / breaks.


Take care of your mental health. My uncle had suffered from some health issues as a family doctor


I love how detailed this was!
Gives me some idea of what I’m about getting into.


My congratulations 🥳. This is a very interesting channel.


Fascinating stuff Ollie. Look forward to catching up with all your vlogs.


If you are unable to take breaks etc you can report it to the BMA


Hi Ollie, thanks for the great content. Could you do a video on how you prepared for the SJT especially the rating section as there aren’t many pas5 papers on this, thanks a lot.


Hi Ollie, you are very resilient….the support you are getting in your job is very minimal ( no fault of anyone, apart from the culture of NHS). However, if you don’t know something, you must ask( albeit the senior doctor’s reaction to your query). It is tough being junior doctor…despite this, you have the most rewarding career. Don’t forgot to take care of your own health.


18:00 yeah, that needs to be fixed. more PAs. -JC


Thanks for sharing!It will get day!


Day 2 typical NHS, well done you Ollie💪


Your day 2 was basically how all of my f1/f2 was


Hi bro, what skills did you need to show during interview for junior doctor, currently studying in Bulgaria, in final year, but we don’t have any practice at all, so I’m quite worried, it’s all just theory, currently doing the oriel application, but at moment it’s very early, still got final year exams.
