Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14: Yellow Turban Rebellion, Sun Jian

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Don't really like this scenario. It seems kind of obnoxious how the enemy can choose to simply move its armies down south so quickly like that when you play Sun Jian. The game encourages you to move south with Sun Jian, but if the enemy does the same thing, they could probably just gobble up your land like its a joke. In fact. As I play, it feels like it might have been better to gobble up the north before the enemy instead.
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Your assigning the Conquer function on all of your units in the first round, which is the dumbest thing you can do. It simply unlocks the "waste your time" function


I can't stand this scenario. As you pointed out in the description, the Yellow Turbans just bum rush south. Also, He Jin becomes extremely hard to deal with, at least in my attempts.


btw you can do multiple searches at once without having to click it over and over


I thought this video how to fnisihed the game with Sun, I've never been so wrong.


I still wonder why the game insists that this is the era's easiest scenario (2/5 Stars) when pretty much everything is stacked against you:
Starting position, resources and personell, several massive factions outperforming you from the get go, calls to attack you simply can not take due to a lack of manpower, thus worsening your standing with allied factions...

I never quite got the ball rolling with this campaign.
