Cue Light System Tests

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Cue Light System nearing completion (6 Channels working)

A Level Extended project: A Cue light system, designed for use in the school theatre. The circuit which controls a single channel in the system. Uses a 4017B Decade counter and ULN2803. The fist switch activated the standby light, the second (representing the user) acknowledges the light turning the light to amber, then the controller can give the GO signal (Green). The relay disconnects the user switch when it is not their turn, to stop them interfering with the cues.

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That's quite a nice system that you've got there! Would it be ok with you if I built my own version of it? (And if so, could you please share the schematics?)

I would in that case be able to use the system in my work as a music teacher and with different amateur theatre projects here in Gothenburg, Sweden.


Karl Victorin


Hi Ben, this looks fantastic! Do you have a schematic on how others may put it together? Nice one!
