Spektrum NX Series Transmitters - Model Aviation First Look

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Model Aviation magazine Executive Editor Jay Smith gives shares his first impressions of the new Spektrum NX6 and NX10 transmitters! Look for a full review in an upcoming issue of Model Aviation and Park Pilot magazines.


Thanks for the overview, just waiting for my NX10 to ship!


Good review, I had the same failed download of the latest software for my new NX10. My fix was the same as yours, download the latest software to my laptop, save it to my micro sd card then install the card to the radio and start up the radio. Radio updated to 3.03 all good. I am glad that it is not a fault with my new radio, obviously a glitch that will be taken care of in the near future. It is a great radio and I am very happy with it, these new gimbals are fantastic. Incidentally, the reason for my purchase was to get away from open Tx equipped radio's and back to an easy to use set-up protocol that works for my old head. I am back in love with Spektrum.


Newbie here! Great Job! I learned a ton of stuff! Thanks!!


I also was unable to update via wifi at first. I copied the update to my SD card, put it in the NX10 and it was able to update off of the card. There hasn't been an update since then but it seems to be able to connect and check OK so hopefully, that is fixed. Not a great user experience to have one of the big features fail out of the box. I also wish the documentation for Spektrum products were better, and I think the NX10 is a bit better than my DX6, but there is still a lot missing that has to be found elsewhere.


I own a Spectrum DX7 Transmitter and it came with a Dual Charger so I can charge up my Transmitter and Receiver Battery packs at the same time. With the newer NX series Transmitters, I don't see a charger included with the "In the Box" items. How would a person with this newer equipment charge up their Transmitter and Airplane at the same time? Will I need two chargers?


Does the NX 6 satisfy most requirements for most BNF planes from Horizon? Been looking at a used DX8 or for almost same money a used NX6. Is six channels enough for a plane that also has flaps and gear? My budget keeps me from buying a new TX so looking


I've NEVER liked spektrum, myself. Recently, I got back into rc planes, since technology changed drastically since my last flight, 20 years ago. MY tx of choice, ended up being the DX6e. 2 weeks after my tx arrived, spektrum releases the NX line. I put it off to be sure I would love flying like I DID.

2 months later, I've UPgraded to the NX6. LOVE IT!

The NX line has converted THIS die hard futaba dude! 👍😁


The price!!! Wow! You could buy a couple of modern multi-protocol radios with hall-effect sticks and OpenTX for that price. Also, color LCDs are terrible in direct sunlight, give me a good monochrome LCD any day (but hey, I prefer function over fashion). That microSD slot is also poorly positioned -- don't stand this transmitter on wet grass because capilliary action will draw the water into the transmitter via that slot. Also, what's with a microUSB port in 2021? USB-C is a far, far better choice from every perspective. On the positive side, update via WiFi is great and the pre-configured models are also nice.


Hi steve.just purchased a new nx8 transmitter couple months ago. When I first turn on transmitter there is a headset icon on screen I have no function when this is on .when I turn off and back on its not there and I have function. After transmitter is turned off for a hour or so then icon is back on transmitter. Till I turn off and turn back on.please help is my transmitter faulty?


Hi. As you said in the video, my NX10 connected to the wifi and registered OK but it froze on the software update. I powered the TX off and downloaded the update from Spektrum and copied it to a 32GB micro SD. I powered on the TX and it looked like the upload started but then just powered down. I now have an expensive paperweight. Any ideas please.


Good overview. I do have a DX9 and think about getting a NX10. When transferring my planes to the NX10 do the voice alerts come across as well? Thanks.


Great video, now if HH would get them in stock and ship mine.. Have a NX8 for a friend and NX10 for myself on pre order.


When you say that you can download any model for this transmitter does that only apply to models with a spektrum receiver? I am interested in learning more about protocols for transmitters and receivers. I'm wondering if protocol is really the magic word for knowing if a transmitter will be compatible with a receiver.


Hello hello excellent video thank you, , but since you are using the Nx6 can you tell me if the performance of this transmitter is good and I hear about this transmitter sucks a lot battery it’s that true?? Can you please let me know thank you...honest answer please...!!!


I purchased my NX8 in March 2021. I too had problems with the WiFi function. It locked up. I used an sd card and performed the sw update. However the WiFi function still locks up the transmitter. Tech support has not been able to provide a fix.


We had the same problem trying to update a NX6. Locked up. We had to use the card to do it. Ive been waiting on my NX10 since 3 December...


I cannot get my nx10 to connect to the internet at all. Now its telling me I need to update it..BUT OBVIOUSLY I CAN'T.


NX8 - Used WiFi to Register, failed to install 3.06.02 but was able to load and installed the older 3.05.05. Maybe there is a bug with 3.06.02. Great video


Can i use a scandisk micro 64gb card instead of 32


Would be nice if they got shipped out updated so they can update via wifi...Mine and apparently many others get stuck on the wifi firmware update page. Had to do the sd card update.
