Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure DLC EXPLAINED

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Watch for the Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure release date, new customisation options, new upgrades, new races, new location and more.

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I used to play Forza Horizon 3 and 4 religiously. They were perfection. But 5 just never did the same for me. The radiolists are all stale, and Mexico is not a compelling environment for me (maybe because I live in Arizona) but FH5 just never came close to the same highs as FH3 and FH4.

Snowrunner has stolen my automotive heart the last 1.5 years and Forza Horizon is a just a pleasant memory when songs from Pulse come up on shuffle play


Forza Horizon taking on rally is like Disney taking on Pornhub


I’ve actually gone back to playing 4 more rather than 5.
I think it’s mainly the setting.
But also partly the handling of the cars which feels like it changed with 5, and as a controller user, it just doesn’t feel as good to me.
I’ll still play this though, I’m a HUGE rally fan, so I’m happy about the update.


Want to note that LC will auto-engage in races so you only have to hold the throttle down. Holding the hand brake for LC is only for freeroam.


Personally, i really really really really really REALLY like this expansion.

Look at it like this. Mexico is home to a round of the WRC (no idea if they still do) and of course the meka of northern hemisphere offroad racing that is the Baja 1000! It litterly makes too much sense to dig deeper into mexico it's offroad heritage. Something like a big city would just be 9 million 90° turns and that gets repetitive and stale very quick, and the less said about japan, the better (it wouldnt work anyway). I really don't see why one should hate (yes, there's a lot of it for the general player base) this expansion allready!

Car roster wise, i get some might find it too one-sided given there is more extreme offroad material rather than actual rally Cars allthough if you look at the base game... Don't we pretty much have the entire spectrum and beyond covered ? Proper offroad machinery had a giant gaping hole in H5 and this entirely makes up for it.

As for the rallying, it's maybe a bit too simplified and perhaps the Roads aren't complete rally material but the overall package seems good enough to do the job.

This pack, for me, is a must buy and i cannot wait to play it! Hurry up march!


I mean I'm gonna be honest here at least we ain't getting a Lego dlc again and besides this actually looks somewhat interesting because I've always been quite fond of playing rally games like Dirt and wrc so I'll pretty interested to see what this ones like


To be fair I quite like it. Anti-lag, launch control, McRae Focus, a nice bit of new map and some good old songs. I haven't really been playing FH5 for the past....year or so, but I'll certainly try this one. Better than the HotWheels and Lego extensions for sure...


Please give us back the ability to synch our music playlists to the game again like we could in three


Haven’t played this since I upgraded my PC. Somehow lost my save file and had to start over. Might play this Expansion but I really want to check out Series 18 and how it is honoring the late Ken Block.


Such a shame that they didn't keep the progression system from the hot wheels expansion.
It would make forza horizon feel more like a racing game and less of a sandbox with races in it...
I love having access to everything at once but a little bit of progression would go a long way
I would also love to se them integrate the new map into the mexco map.
Always needing to fast travel to hot wheels map takes consious effort and i would love to just randomly "come across" the map while driving in mexico rather than clicking a button to go there.


I've played forza since horizon 2 and horizon 5 is probably the one i've played the least. The reason for this is because the formula has stayed the same for so long that it doesn't feel unique enough to be a whole new game. Although I must say I prefer horizon 5 over 4 as 4 just felt like it was in an akward place in the franchise for me.


FH4 was ok FH5 i like but FH3 did it for me. I'm still waiting for an exterme offroad experience in any FH game.


So it's a rally dlc where you get 6 new buggies and 1 new rally car.


I think the word you were searching for wasn’t “familiar” but rather recycled.


This update broke FH5 for me, now it won't run. I can't be bothered to troubleshoot this woeful, broken game again. For the 10th time or more.

I'll be playing Snowrunner. Its more exciting than FH5.
