Run away with me | Jasmine & Shang

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HD likes you a lot, you should use it! c;

Theme: Character A is together with Character B, but Character C wants to run away with A.
Characters: Shang, Jasmine & Mulan
Story: Mulan is servant of Jasmine and Shang is soldier of sultan's army. They fight at the balcony and Jasmine overhears them. Jasmine comes to balcony and then she sees handsome Shang. Jasmine gets mad to her servant for shouting her new crush. Shang is happy that princess is on his side, they leave Mulan alone. They have their little private time and Jasmine asks Shang to run away with her. Will Shang leave Mulan and run away with Jasmine...?
No, I can't get enough of MEPs. I uploaded my part with this coloring, but MEP will be having it's own coloring. I loved the idea of Pastard's MEP and I'm excited to see results. xD I got so excited that I promised to make replacement part which is actually this. I'll be downloading my other part soon. :3
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