Little dream
One of the new yogini who started meditating few months back, narrated this dream in which she was stuck in a snowy storm and after a while they find shelter in this Castle /very big house. They feel saved and protected in this house. She said she saw The Devi was sleeping on a huge bed. The Goddess was about 4/5 metres tall with a white saree and white crown with very black hair. After a while The Devi woke up and looking towards her SHE said "I know you" This girl was perplexed and asked The Goddess "How do You know me". At this point The Devi replied " I listen to you everyday when you recite the Devi Kavach". She remains stunned at this answer.
At the same moment this girl saw the Devi not very happy, so she asked The Goddess why it was so. The Goddess replied " The people do not pray to ME as they used to do before"
Jai Sri mataji. This chandikavach give me a lot of confidence when iam in low. Lot of miracles happens in my life. Heartfully my life dedicated to Sri mataji. Before iam nothing but once iam into sahaja yoga and doing footsoaking and all my life turns completely. Thank you mataji thank you so much for giving this life.
Close your eyes... listen to every word keeping your attention on Sahasrara.... this is very powerful... !! Thanks for sharing
Прекрасное исполнение, похоже на колыбельную песню, на лёгкий бриз моря, на ласковый весенний ветерок, на утреннюю Зарю, от которой исходят лучи умиротворения, спокойствия и благодати
💜❤💜❤💜❤ О Мать! Ты так Красива Добротою, 🌏🌐🌏 💜❤💜❤ Полна Весенней Красоты, 🎨🎨🎨🎨Лучишься 🔦🔦🔦 Звёздной Чистотою, Несёшь нам Мирные 🌏🌐🌏 Лучи 💓💓💓Ты наша Золотая Доля, 🌺🌻🌹🌷 Спокойствие нашей Души, 🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨, Сжигаешь ненависть и горе, ⭐🌟🌠 🔦🔦🔦Ведешь нас Храм 🕌🕌🕌 Вечной Любви!!! 🌺🌻🌹🌷⭐🌟🌠💜❤💜❤⛪⛪⛪ Джей Шри Ади Шакти Шри 💜❤💜❤💏💞💘
Jai Shree Mataji, very powerful vibrations which bring out the qualities of the heart chakra, brings intense peace and melodious music.
Wow great singer thanks for this lovely shri devi kavach Jai shree mataji Ji 🙏🙏🙏🙏.
Having the ability to meditate with this beautiful chanting bring me closer to the collective...many thanks
Your voice is amazing whenever I listen this I feel maa is around me it's very powerful all the words are pure as maa
Urs is the best voice. Can feel the positive and strong energy.. vibrations...💐💐💐💐jai shree Mataji
While chanting the stotras, we should concentrate on each word, so that we understand the qualities it represents. And then by the blessings of Paramatma you realize that, the devi herself is very much working in her sagun roop through all of us! All the women that we see around us, possess these very same qualities, but we fail to see the divinity in them!
You then understand that everyone who feeds us, cooks for us, are our 'ANNAPURNA DEVI !
The women who work honestly in these security forces with great might and courage, ARE 'DURGA SHAKTI'. The ones who work selflessly, striving for the betterment of her workplace, completely devoted to her work, ISN'T THAT THE 'RADHA SHAKTI' ?
Talking about Sri Lalita Sahasranama, firstly, AREN'T ALL THE MOTHERS 'SRI MATA' ? Because all women have within them the motherly qualities and capabilities of nurturing literally anyone!
All those women who face so many hardships to take care of their families, we should understand, all representative of the divine quality - 'CHIDAGNIKUND SAMBHUTA.'
Any woman that we see whose 'MIND, BODY & INTELLIGENCE ' is purified, that herself is 'TRIPUR SUNDARI'
But it's our folly, that we bow down with folded hands in front of a murti made by us humans, but fail to see the REAL DEVI SHAKTI around us, the murti which is made by that Paramatma Shakti itself ! We look at those women, be it someone in your house or your helper or anyone, with inferiority ! We don't see the divinity in them, but instead look at them with vaasna (lust) ! Please understand, the Devi that we see in any photo, does she look any different from a woman standing next to you? There itself we must understand that it is just this Paramatma shakti and nothing else who is working through all of us and you will understand that, by whatever name you call it, be it Devi or Ganpati or Hanumanji, these are not some mystical super human deities which we need to attain, but are very much around us, at all times, in their sagun roop, which we need to recognise!
Just like in Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Krishna says-
ईश्वर: सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति |
भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया ||18.61
- dwelling in the very heart of all beings, he himself directs us in certain particular ways to act, i.e., everyone around us are all working on and because of his shakti and thus represents those very qualities.
I am only sharing my learnings and experiences, which I got through the blessings of my Gurus, and not for enforcing my opinions on anyone, but imagine how beautiful the World would be if we start recognizing the SAGUN PARAMATMA around us, who by catering to the smallest of our needs, makes our lives, livable!
।। ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ।।
Hari Om Tat Sat 🙏🏻 🙏🏻
Very powerful kavach every word is blessed with shree mataji chatanya thank you
Какое блаженство! Это в молодости энергии много, а вот в старости... А после этих 15 минут с Матерью я весь день летаю и радуюсь! Джей, Шри Матаджи!!! Джей, Джей, Джей!!!
So beautifully, presenting for us! Thank you😇👏👏🥰With lots of Nirmal Love.
🌷Jai Shri Mataji🌷🤗😇
One night I was sleeping than in my dream some thing came and I was scared I picked up my phone I listened it then I was feeling better.JAI SHRI MATAJI PLZ MAKE US STRONG.
This kawach gives me full strength and true shakti🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I like it very much especially starting part of the video it's amazing very powerful and pure words the pronounciation is very nice that whenever I listen this I feel that maa is in front of me she is giving me ashirwad and she is protecting from enemy .I have so many enemy but maa is protecting my family
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you. Jai Shri Mataji.
Bhut shanti milti h mujhe devi kavach sun kar...jai shri mata ji
Madhuji's singing is divine! May the Devi bless her and the musicians who composed this! Just beautiful! 🙏🙏🙏
Essa oração estáe transmitindo conforto emocional e espiritual agora.