I'm in love with her, okay? [FREE AUDIO]

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i’m on this side of youtube again. i like it though ..


I still love him. Even though I know I have to stop loving him.


Love is what wakes you up
Love is what helps your mind relax
Because when you think of them
You believe everything will be ok
Love is pain
Love is what will tear your heart to shreds when it doesn’t work
Love is what you think you’ll never recover from
But there’s always that chance
That when you love them, they will love you
But sometimes even then it doesn’t work
Because they find someone else to love
If that happens
Then they never loved you
Because love is something that would never change
Love is something that could turn a persons life around
Because love is something worth fighting for


And I have been in love with her since 1997


I still love her. Six years of not seeing her and I still can’t help that she gives me butterflies every time I even think of her. I miss her so much. I haven’t seen her in so long but I remember her clear as day. I miss her.


The song is skinny love is anyone is wondering


It's weird how she makes me the happiest and unhappiest man alive, ..


'I'm in love with her! Ok?
If your looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, its love.
And when you love someone you just, you, you don't stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy. Even then. Especially then.
You just, you don't give up because if I could give up, if i could just, you know, take the whole worlds advice and move on and find someone else, that wouldn't be love. That would be, that would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for.
But I... that us not what this is.'

That made me cry


i hate liking someone and knowing that i will never be with them. it sucks.


In 1 min and 30 secs that got me deep in my heart


I still love her. She’s toxic for me and we were never in a relationship but I’m still in love with her. She has moved on. She’s “in love” with another girl. She is the only person I’ve even loved. Ever.
I chose to keep a distance between us. I don’t want her to feel bad for being with someone because it hurts me. She asked me sometimes “what happened to us?” I say “I don’t know” I don’t want her to know I’m still so fucking in love with her. I don’t know if I will ever love anyone the way I loved her. I miss her. I long to hear her voice and hear all her stupid little stories, and stay up on the phone all night. I miss our FaceTimes, I miss going out with her and just being in her presence.
But she is happy...? I guess I don’t know.
I hate admitting I still have feelings for her, everyone literally everyone told me to move tf on. I tried and I thought I did. But you never really get over your first love eh?

K.J.A. I love you


*falling for someone who doesn't feel the same is the worst*


This just made me realized that I don’t just really like my crush... I fucking love her. But you know what sucks? She’s straight, and she likes someone else. I’ve told her that I have a crush on her. But she doesn’t like me like that. And you know what made that even worse? When we first met, she said she was bi too... and I got my fucking hopes up. But then as soon as one of my friends tells her that I like her, she says she’s straight.


So I finally told this girl how I felt after about a year. It went a lot better than I had expected. Instead of being rejected she simply said that she needed time because she had to love herself first. She was so scared of hurting me that she wanted to get herself straight first. That’s love.


I used to feel love

Before he broke me i was happy. But now i don't feel anything.
Thanks for that


The saddest part is that you can be in love with someone knowing you can never be with them. But, you can love them from a far. Unconditional love means you want that person to be happy regardless if they are with you or not.


I need to move on because she will never feel the same way but I just can’t. Ever time I see her a smile appears on my face and when she is sad everything gets dark. I have tried for months to get over this feeling but nothing seems to work.


I always come back to HIMYM and Ted quotes when I go through a breakup or have a lot of heartache. Even though I’m currently waiting on a girl to realize she made a huge mistake by not trying to work things out with me before cutting things off. Ted quotes like this make me smile through the heartache. It reminds me that we are both just people doing our best, that even when I don’t realize it, I still believe in being a hopeless romantic. That I really do without a shadow of a doubt want both of us to be as happy as we possibly can; and thats how I know I really loved her.


I’m 14 and yes I’m in love with the girl of my dreams a lot of people say it wont last we’re to young and we don’t know what love is but I believe I know every time I see her my heart skips a beat and every time I feel like I’m losing her my heart aches I love her so much and she means the world to me I would give her anything just to see her smile


"If you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love."
