MOWTALKS #68 - PROPHETIC RESTORATION: When truth is undermined…do we still believe? - Danny Steyne

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PROPHETIC RESTORATION: When truth is undermined…do we still believe?

The validity of true prophecy in the world we now live in, regardless of what has been abused and used to control, manipulate, and promote for personal gain.

ZECHARIAH 5:1-4 - It’s the scroll you don’t want to eat, but you’re going to!

God wants His Church back (Ezekiel 34)

WARNING: This particular feed does speak to situations to both IHOP & Dwelling Place Anaheim…both of whom are in the midst of some very manipulative circumstances brought on by themselves. It was never my intent to speak this dramatically regarding these two issues but I became responsible to speak it when I recognized very clearly this was a word to both of them and to The Church at large which is discounting prophetic ministry because of the failure of some. This too is a direct disobedience to the Lord who says not to despise prophetic utterance. More than ever prophetic utterance is needed for the days ahead to keep our hearts, minds, and actions focused on things above not in things of the earth.

It’s Time!
It’s Coming Hard & Fast!!!

Mountain Of Worship (MOW)
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