How Anglicanism is Protestant

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Sometimes people claim that Anglicanism is not a Protestant tradition, in this video, River Devereux explains how it is and why Protestant theology is the solution to the problems faced by the Anglican Communion.

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Related articles:

Recommended reading:
- J.I. Packer: The Heritage of Anglican Theology
- Ashley Null (series Editor): The Reformation Anglican Series
- John Jewel: An Apology of the Church of England
- Gerald Bray: Anglicanism: A Reformed Catholic Tradition

Every Anglican needs to watch this. Excellent.


Stay as you are. You are an inspiration. Thank you for your videos, you have bought me back to the Anglican church. May God bless you as you go about the Lord's work.


Well done. I have recently been curious about Anglicanism and what it stands for? It isn’t easy to find much clarifying content that is easy to understand. Thank you for making it easy to understand and I really appreciate and agree with the bases of what you have just shared concerning the historical and biblical bases of what Anglicans believe. Amen to the truth.


Wow River, that was awesome. I am an Anglican, and now proud of it! You have inspired me so much. I suppose I will now have to watch some of your other videos! May God Bless you too.


I am really enjoying your teaching. Wow I am learning how Anglicanism stands for and the beliefs. May the good Lord continue to use you to teach the Truth for His Kingdom and for our benefit.


My guy, thank you. That was excatly what i needed to hear.... that spacific connection between the protestant version of Papal Supremacy blew my mind... Holy crap


River you are such a great teacher. I have learned so much from your videos. Please keep up the faith and I'll be praying for your ministry during my daily office.


So glad I found this! I'm a Presbyterian (PCA) but I have a special place in my heart for Anglican/Episcopalian and the Book of Common Prayer. I did attend Episcopal services for a time, many years ago.


I was excited to see the book recommendation on J. I. Packer's book, two days after I read it! A suggestion, why don't you include book titles in the description of your videos for recommended reading? It could be helpful. Great video though, insightful and clear.


This is excellent. Thank you—especially for the last 10 minutes or so.


You just gained a Subscriber. I’ve been investigating Anglicanism for a little while and have gone a few
Sundays to new church plant in my town of the ACNA. Your videos are answering a lot of my questions. Thanks so much. God bless you.


Thank you from a Catholic who went to Anglican church first time today. I like your teaching a lot. (Papal is pronounced "paypul" the way.😊)


I really appreciate this…in my disillusionment with Baptist theology and practice and exploration of Church history, I have drifted much closer to Catholic interpretations, almost coming to desire to fully disown my association with Protestantism for “Anglo-Catholicism” in the sense of the version that rejects Protestantism yet this has rekindled the beauty and more authentic interpretation of Protestant beliefs especially in the historically and doctrinal sense that seems to have been largely lost or downplayed in Protestant circles in the 21st century instead of highlighting their discrepancies and distinctions with the malpractices of the Catholic Church that rightly were criticized and reformed. Thank you for making these distinctions and the value of Protestantism and how Anglicanism is truly the Via Media “middle way” between the best of both the Protestant and Catholic traditions and in how the Church is and ought to be truly unified around the pure love of God in our hearts and lives in our pursuit of holiness and Christ’s refinement of our souls


Also, the impression I get from the Formularies (as a whole) is that Anglicanism is a decidedly "Protestant-Catholic" way of faith. 'Catholic' in terms of worship and structure, but 'Protestant' in terms of actual theology..

.. Now, with that said, the Church of England sort of stops with "Protestant", it doesn't attempt to take a strict stand on the inter-Reformation fights but allows for a "big tent" that is definitively Reformational.
So while some may interpret the Formularies as more specifically "Evangelical-Lutheran" and another more "Reformed-Calvinist" and yet another, "Wesleyan-Arminian".. they are all nonetheless fully within the pale of the Reformation tradition and thus tolerated as legitimate (though not ultimate) expressions of Anglicanism.

This is what makes Anglicanism different from other Confessional traditions (such as my own or the Westminister).. 'Protestant' is enough for Canterbury.

My two cents.


I am Lutheran and about to marry an Anglican. This video helped me a lot. I am not looking to convert my soon to be wife. I want us to better understand each other's church.


Excellent discussion. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for reminding me again just why I'm protestant - and it's good!Blessings to you from Scotland.🙏🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I do believe i was meant to stumble upon your channel.. yahoo ty.


This is really good. I think that the tendency in high church Protestantism as of late is to recoil from the term.. but I think the term is often misunderstood to be incompatible with "catholic", which is fundamentally important to our identity as Christians.
At the same time, we did go through the Reformation and that is equally significant. Perhaps it's time to work on recapturing "Protestant" as much as we've emphasized recapturing "Catholic."

So rather than saying "Catholic vs Protestant", we need to think in terms of "Roman Catholic vs Protestant-Catholic, or Reformed Catholic."


Never underestimate the impact your videos are having.
