How often should you workout?

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This question can be different for everyone, but this video outlines what we personally do for our workouts.

We then outline our simple and effective workout schedule that can help you determine what is right for you and your goals!

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What is your workout type?

What carb cycle is right for you?

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Which days you match your high carb days?


We have this thing in common. I also work out 3 days (MO/WE/FRI) with weights and 2/week try to do some HIIT cardio. On the weekends i also try to stay active like you by hiking or Nordic Walking. The only thing that differs is the time. I try to gain some lean muscle and therefore i work out like 1:15 with weights. Do you think guys, this is too much? How many reps do you do with the weights? Do you count them or do just HIIT style even with weights or AMRAP? And one more do you schedule your high/low carbs days? Do you have high carb day when weight training and low carb when HIIT? And what about on the weekend? Like your work! Greeting you both K and D! Vitek


I have heard at 54 you really should not work out more than 2 days...allowing longer recovery...and not raise cortisol levels?


Hey I just started looking at your vlog yesterday and I subscribed to it. I like it because you explain everything very clearly that I can understand it. Great job. I would like to see more meal plans for the carb cycling. More low and high carb meals. Thank you
