Ask Dr Zakir – Live Fortnightly Question & Answer Session : Season 1 Session 6

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Ask Dr Zakir – Live Fortnightly Question & Answer Session : Season 1 Session 6

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In the beginning of the video from 0-22 seconds when he was trying to be ready for the video.... He was looking so cute and innocent at that time...May Allah bless you more Dr. zakir


We are so lucky having Dr Zakir in our generation


debate shamoun or christian prince. let's see how courageous you are


Congratulations for 2 million subscribers 🌎❤️📚👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Congratulations on 2 million subscribers 💙💙💙💙💙👍 May Allah bless u dr zakir naik!!


Sir! Congratulations for 2 Million Subscribers on Youtube Also...❤️❤️
May ALLAH bless uh alot of happiness & success in your life here as well as in akhirah... 🤲🏻


Congratulations Sir for completing 2M subscriber ... On YouTube ... I know millions are out there in this world Who follow you ...


Congratulations for 2 million subscribers
We love you zakir naik ♥♥


⚠️ It |s The Duty 0f Every Muslim To Help The Non Muslims Realize following the teachings of Islam is the 0NLY way to Enter Paradise
📖 By the Declining day, Man is [deep] in Loss,
Except for those Who believe, Do Good Deeds, urge one another to the truth (Islam & Islamic teachings ), and urge 0ne Another to Patience (-Surah ---Al-'Asr)


Brother Zakir you are an absolute Gem.


شيخ الاسلام محترم ميرے پانچ بچوںکی ماں کے مابین محبت کی دعا فرمائیں۔ میری ساس2 سال پہلے ملنے آئیں اور میری بیوی کو طلاق لینے کا حکم دے گئیں۔ اس وقت سے ہماری زندگی جہنم ھے۔ جزاک اللّہ خیر۔


This is what the Qur'an says about the birth of Mary and Jesus and what the Children of Israel did

﴿إِذ قالَتِ امرَأَتُ عِمرانَ رَبِّ إِنّي نَذَرتُ لَكَ ما في بَطني مُحَرَّرًا فَتَقَبَّل مِنّي إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّميعُ العَليمُ﴾ [آل عمران: ٣٥]
[Mention, O Muḥammad], when the wife of ʿImrān said, "My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing."
- Saheeh International

﴿فَلَمّا وَضَعَتها قالَت رَبِّ إِنّي وَضَعتُها أُنثى وَاللَّهُ أَعلَمُ بِما وَضَعَت وَلَيسَ الذَّكَرُ كَالأُنثى وَإِنّي سَمَّيتُها مَريَمَ وَإِنّي أُعيذُها بِكَ وَذُرِّيَّتَها مِنَ الشَّيطانِ الرَّجيمِ﴾ [آل عمران: ٣٦]
But when she delivered her, she said, "My Lord, I have delivered a female." And Allāh was most knowing of what she delivered, and the male is not like the female. "And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allāh]."
- Saheeh International

﴿فَتَقَبَّلَها رَبُّها بِقَبولٍ حَسَنٍ وَأَنبَتَها نَباتًا حَسَنًا وَكَفَّلَها زَكَرِيّا كُلَّما دَخَلَ عَلَيها زَكَرِيَّا المِحرابَ وَجَدَ عِندَها رِزقًا قالَ يا مَريَمُ أَنّى لَكِ هذا قالَت هُوَ مِن عِندِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَرزُقُ مَن يَشاءُ بِغَيرِ حِسابٍ﴾ [آل عمران: ٣٧]
So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, "O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?" She said, "It is from Allāh. Indeed, Allāh provides for whom He wills without account."
- Saheeh International

﴿هُنالِكَ دَعا زَكَرِيّا رَبَّهُ قالَ رَبِّ هَب لي مِن لَدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً إِنَّكَ سَميعُ الدُّعاءِ﴾ [آل عمران: ٣٨]
At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, "My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication."
- Saheeh International

﴿فَنادَتهُ المَلائِكَةُ وَهُوَ قائِمٌ يُصَلّي فِي المِحرابِ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكَ بِيَحيى مُصَدِّقًا بِكَلِمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَسَيِّدًا وَحَصورًا وَنَبِيًّا مِنَ الصّالِحينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٣٩]
So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, "Indeed, Allāh gives you good tidings of John, confirming a word from Allāh and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from women], and a prophet from among the righteous."
- Saheeh International

﴿قالَ رَبِّ أَنّى يَكونُ لي غُلامٌ وَقَد بَلَغَنِيَ الكِبَرُ وَامرَأَتي عاقِرٌ قالَ كَذلِكَ اللَّهُ يَفعَلُ ما يَشاءُ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٠]
He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?" He [the angel] said, "Such is Allāh; He does what He wills."
- Saheeh International

﴿قالَ رَبِّ اجعَل لي آيَةً قالَ آيَتُكَ أَلّا تُكَلِّمَ النّاسَ ثَلاثَةَ أَيّامٍ إِلّا رَمزًا وَاذكُر رَبَّكَ كَثيرًا وَسَبِّح بِالعَشِيِّ وَالإِبكارِ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤١]
He said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning."
- Saheeh International

﴿وَإِذ قالَتِ المَلائِكَةُ يا مَريَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصطَفاكِ وَطَهَّرَكِ وَاصطَفاكِ عَلى نِساءِ العالَمينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٢]
And [mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allāh has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds.
- Saheeh International

﴿يا مَريَمُ اقنُتي لِرَبِّكِ وَاسجُدي وَاركَعي مَعَ الرّاكِعينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٣]
O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer]."
- Saheeh International

﴿ذلِكَ مِن أَنباءِ الغَيبِ نوحيهِ إِلَيكَ وَما كُنتَ لَدَيهِم إِذ يُلقونَ أَقلامَهُم أَيُّهُم يَكفُلُ مَريَمَ وَما كُنتَ لَدَيهِم إِذ يَختَصِمونَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٤]
That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you, [O Muḥammad]. And you were not with them when they cast their pens as to which of them should be responsible for Mary. Nor were you with them when they disputed.
- Saheeh International

﴿إِذ قالَتِ المَلائِكَةُ يا مَريَمُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُبَشِّرُكِ بِكَلِمَةٍ مِنهُ اسمُهُ المَسيحُ عيسَى ابنُ مَريَمَ وَجيهًا فِي الدُّنيا وَالآخِرَةِ وَمِنَ المُقَرَّبينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٥]
[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allāh gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allāh].
- Saheeh International

﴿وَيُكَلِّمُ النّاسَ فِي المَهدِ وَكَهلًا وَمِنَ الصّالِحينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٦]
He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous."
- Saheeh International

﴿قالَت رَبِّ أَنّى يَكونُ لي وَلَدٌ وَلَم يَمسَسني بَشَرٌ قالَ كَذلِكِ اللَّهُ يَخلُقُ ما يَشاءُ إِذا قَضى أَمرًا فَإِنَّما يَقولُ لَهُ كُن فَيَكونُ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٧]
She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" [The angel] said, "Such is Allāh; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be, ' and it is.
- Saheeh International

﴿وَيُعَلِّمُهُ الكِتابَ وَالحِكمَةَ وَالتَّوراةَ وَالإِنجيلَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٨]
And He will teach him writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel
- Saheeh International

﴿وَرَسولًا إِلى بَني إِسرائيلَ أَنّي قَد جِئتُكُم بِآيَةٍ مِن رَبِّكُم أَنّي أَخلُقُ لَكُم مِنَ الطّينِ كَهَيئَةِ الطَّيرِ فَأَنفُخُ فيهِ فَيَكونُ طَيرًا بِإِذنِ اللَّهِ وَأُبرِئُ الأَكمَهَ وَالأَبرَصَ وَأُحيِي المَوتى بِإِذنِ اللَّهِ وَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِما تَأكُلونَ وَما تَدَّخِرونَ في بُيوتِكُم إِنَّ في ذلِكَ لَآيَةً لَكُم إِن كُنتُم مُؤمِنينَ﴾ [آل عمران: ٤٩]
And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allāh. And I cure the blind [from birth] and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allāh. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers.
- Saheeh International

﴿وَمُصَدِّقًا لِما بَينَ يَدَيَّ مِنَ التَّوراةِ وَلِأُحِلَّ لَكُم بَعضَ الَّذي حُرِّمَ عَلَيكُم وَجِئتُكُم بِآيَةٍ مِن رَبِّكُم فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَطيعونِ﴾ [آل عمران: ٥٠]
And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allāh and obey me.
- Saheeh International

﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَبّي وَرَبُّكُم فَاعبُدوهُ هذا صِراطٌ مُستَقيمٌ﴾ [آل عمران: ٥١]
Indeed, Allāh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the straight path.'"
- Saheeh International


Plz need bangla translation for us....plz sir


Salam ou Halikom à quand les sous-titres en français pour les musulmans de Belgique Barakelahoufikom


As salaamu alaikum Dr. Zakir Naik!

I reverted to Islam when I was in university in the United States for higher studies after watching your videos and Ahmed Deedat's videos on YouTube. I was a university professor in the United States.

What do you think of the famous number one mixed martial arts (MMA) practicing Muslim Russian fighter, Khabib Nurmagomedov who is leading by example? How would you advise the youth who are his fans to lead by example like him?

Also, what do you think of Tony Robbins who is a very famous and influential life coach and strategist? How would you do dawah to him if you met him?


Zakir bhai you said around in 13-15 minutes clip that only people who have attained higher level in Jannah can see the Face of Allaah سبحانه وتعالى.

And not all the time you'll see His Face.

Akhee, from where did you derive this? Could you please quote the reference from the Quran or the Sunnah


Dr zakir Naik sir, Assalmau waleikum, Allah as choosen you for east so Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, newsland, Philippines, South Korea need Islamic university and Islamic school like irf school in Mumbai. Set with help of respective government so you can produce more dahi : Asif Kazi, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India


مبارك ٢ مليون مشترك اين انتم يا محبين ذاكر نايك.


Can someone please explain aya 2:54 in the Quran


Salam and love from London.
Ahmed Deedat RH and dr zakir are my inspiration in comparative religious study.
May Allah reward dr Zakir and
Sheikh Deedat rh for their great services to Islam.Ameen
