Tucson Mayor & City Council Study Session May 21, 2019

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1.) Executive Session - Potential Sale of Tucson Metro Chamber Building,
465 W. St. Mary’s Road (Ward 1) SS/MAY21-19-114 58:40

2.) Mayor and Council Direction Following Executive Session – Potential Sale of Tucson Metro Chamber Building, 465 W. St. Mary’s Road (Ward 1) SS/MAY21-19-115 1:23:00

3.) General, Area, and Neighborhood Plans; Discussion of the Role of Area and Neighborhood Plans in Zoning; and Report from Tucson Residents for Responsive Government (TRRG) on "Sustainable Neighborhoods through Planning" (City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-119 4:50

4.) Proposed TARP Facility Upgrades for Treatment and Removal of PFAS from Groundwater and for Accelerated TCE Plume Cleanup (City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-113 1:23:20

5.) Discussion of the City Manager’s Recommended Fiscal Year 2019/20 Budget (City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-118 1:41:43

6.) Project Micro Primary Jobs Economic Analysis (Ward 4) SS/MAY21-19-116 2:04:45

7.) Update Relating to Central Business District Boundary Expansion (City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-120 2:06:42

8.) Pima Association of Governments (PAG) Management Committee's Recommendations to the PAG Executive Director (City Wide)
SS/MAY21-19-112 2:12:17

9.) Tucson Electric Power Rate Case, Docket No. E-01933A-19-0028; City Participation as Commentor and/or Intervenor (City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-117 2:15:47

10.) Updates on State and National Legislation and Regional Committees
(City Wide) SS/MAY21-19-109 2:23:21

11.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Regular Agenda (City Wide)
SS/MAY21-19-110 2:40:32

12.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Future Agendas (City Wide)
SS/MAY21-19-111 2:41:02
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